5 Research Proposal on Reducing Worker Burnout and Work-Related Stress Eric Hilton


Research Proposal on Reducing Worker Burnout and Work-Related Stress

Eric Hilton

University of Arizona

HUM 5100

Dr. Marson

July 2, 2021

Research Proposal on Reducing Worker Burnout and Work-Related Stress

Introduction and Background

Department of Health and Human Services facilitates the health and welfare of all American citizens by providing adequate health and human services by championing solid, sustainable advances in sciences related to drugs, public health, and social services. The organization provides health services to the general population by conducting researches on medicines and fostering initiatives that enhance the quality of life of the people. As an organization I prefer to work for in the future, there have been increased cases of burnout among its employees, stress among the employees at work leading to high worker turnovers. This has led to low employee retention, affecting the quality of health services provided to the general population due to inadequate research on medicines, poor program completions, especially public health programs, and a subsequent increase in infections and illnesses in the population.

The organization serves the American population, including children, the elderly, and the middle-aged population nationwide. Enhancing employee growth and recognizing and providing rewards for employee achievements are the proposed solution to burnout and stress among the Department of Health and Human Services employees to boost employee retention (Dyrbye et a; l., 2017). The research question for this research is to identify ways of addressing employee burnout and stress to increase employee retention in the Department of Health and Human Services.


   The research study will conduct questionnaires on the current healthcare employees of the organization and the past employees to determine their perception of their work and determine their level of work-related stress that might influence their work. Questionnaires to be used are quick short-answered questions that include straightforward questions. Participation in the survey will be voluntary, and consent from the organization will be sought before conducting the research. The questionnaires contain three multiple-choice questions, which are closed-ended, requiring the participants to select one of the given choices. The questions asked on the level of stress associated with the work, employee’s perception of organizations involved in addressing their needs, the workload associated with their job, and the organization’s reward system. Therefore, this study is qualitative research since it seeks to determine the employee perceptions of their work by collecting information related to stress and the organization’s support towards the welfare of the employees. 

The qualitative research method is selected because it best enables understanding employees’ perceptions in their social setting; hence, their opinions are well captured with this approach (Kaur & Chopra, 2021). The participants for the study are sampled from current employees and past employees. Data collection is in the form of sample questions with closed answers, and 200 participants will be recruited in this research. Consent for participation will be sought by requiring the participants to sign a consent form to enhance an ethical research. The identities of participants will not be disclosed by using questionnaires with no name of the participant. 

Management Plan

The research on employees’ perception of burnout and stress levels in their jobs will be conducted for one week. Participants are supposed to dedicate 30 minutes of their uninterrupted time to attend to the questionnaire. Participants for this research are current employees of the organization who work in different departments, with those interacting with the patients given priority. The proposed solutions for the high employee turnover are twofold; to reward employees for their work, especially those who have performed excellently in their field, and enhance employee growth through promotions and role diversification. Annual appraisal of employees is necessary to identify the best performing workers to reward them with gifts and presents, motivating them to work even better, reducing worker turnover. The organization should also establish a framework for promoting employees based on skills and their time in the organization. Reduce burnout among workers can also be achieved through role diversification by ensuring that employees change their roles where possible (Dyrbye et a; l., 2017). The solutions from this research are possible because the organization has enough resources to implement recommended changes; facilitating the changes will result in high productivity among the workers and increase worker retention, which will improve the organization’s labor force and better public health among the population. 

The main challenge that might be encountered during this research is the lack of knowledge, experience, and skills to deal with the organization’s employees may hinder the project’s success. The inconsistency that might exist between the research question and the methodology might render the project’s success difficult to attain since there might be inconsistencies in the responses from participants (Kaur & Chopra, 2021). The inconsistency in responses from qualitative data from the research is because of the social aspects of the questionnaire, which means different participants might give their subjective views on the questions asked. Lack of time to conduct the questionnaire could also be encountered since most participants of this study go to the field and might not be available during the study. Moreover, the allocated time for each participant might not be enough to explain all the information necessary for this research which might make the conclusions from this research not to be accurate for failing to reflect the reality of the problem.


Dyrbye, L. N., Shanafelt, T. D., Sinsky, C. A., Cipriano, P. F., Bhatt, J., Ommaya, A., … & Meyers, D. (2017). Burnout among health care professionals: a call to explore and address this underrecognized threat to safe, high-quality care. NAM perspectives.

Kaur, S., & Chopra, S. (2021). Elementary Statistical Utensils in Scientific Study Analysis-A Review. Sch J Phys Math Stat, 5, 88-95.

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