Assessment 2 – Coversheet Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly

Assessment 2 – Coversheet

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

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BSBMKG621– Develop organizational marketing strategy

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Assessment 2

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Assessment 2 (Workplace Project)

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Assessment 2 – Workplace Project

1. Establish strategic direction and marketing performance

Confirm organisation’s mission, vision, purpose, objectives and values

Complete a situational analysis and identify factors impacting marketing direction and performance of the organisation

Identify and analyse current key products and services, and major markets for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

Assess marketing performance against identified objectives for critical success

factors, and areas for improvement

2. Evaluate marketing opportunities

Identify and analyse marketing opportunities for viability and contribution to the business

Assess each marketing opportunity, considering external factors such as costs, benefits, risks and opportunities

Analyse opportunities for likely fit with organisational goals and capabilities

Evaluate each opportunity and determine impact on current business and customer base

3. Formulate marketing strategy

Develop marketing strategy in consultation with key internal stakeholders according to prepared research

Formulate related key performance indicators for marketing strategy

Develop risk management

strategy, and identify risks and manage contingencies

3.4 Document marketing strategy according to organisational policies and procedures

Assessment Overview

This workplace assessment requires you to develop at least one organizational marketing strategy.

This assessment is divided into four tasks:

Task 1: Establish Strategic Direction and Marketing Performance Task 2: Evaluate Marketing Opportunities

Task 3: Develop Draft Marketing Strategy Task 4: Finalize Marketing Strategy

Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow these instructions to complete the assessment. Each task will require you to either:

Submit completed workplace templates and/or any required documentation; or Demonstrate task requirements while being observed by the assessor.

Some tasks may include both requirements. These will serve as evidence of your task completion. Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these instructions, resources, and guidance for satisfactorily completing the tasks.

You are required to:

Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll. Establish strategic direction and marketing performance of the organisation.

Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities on various aspects relevant to the organisation.

Consult with key internal stakeholders to develop draft marketing strategy.

Complete the marketing strategy, formulate risk management strategies and contingency plan.

Resources Required for Assessment:

Discuss each requirement with your assessor before commencing with each task. They will organise the resources required for this assessment.

Forms and Templates

Generic forms and templates to be used for the assessments are specified for each task, unless otherwise stated. These can be accessed from the following link:

BSBMKG621 Forms and Templates

Task 1: Establish Strategic Direction and Marketing Performance


This task will require you to establish strategic direction and marketing performance of your organisation by completing a situational analysis report.

Use your workplace/organisation’s template to complete this task, or use the

Situational Analysis template provided at the Bounce Fitness website. To complete this task, you must:

Access and review the following:

Organisational documents/resources and policies and procedures, including:

Documents with information about the following:

Organisational mission, vision, purpose, goals, objectives and values.

Legal and ethical rights and responsibilities of the organisation.

Regulatory requirements to be met by the organisation.

Documents relating to marketing direction and performance.

At least one latest available marketing strategy.

At least one latest available marketing analysis.

At least one latest available marketing plan.

Sales/trend data.

Performance data on relevant metrics/key performance indicators to track progress on organisational and marketing objectives.

Printed and/or online sources of information related to:

Factors impacting marketing direction and performance.

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for current key products, services and major markets.

Identify the following information for your organization from the documents accessed:





At least two marketing objectives

Outline the following compliance requirements applicable to the organization:

At least one legal right.

At least one legal responsibility.

At least one ethical right.

At least one ethical responsibility.

At least two regulatory requirements.

Conduct situational analysis to identify factors impacting each of the following, by gathering relevant information from research:

Marketing direction of the organization.

Marketing performance of the organization.

Factors can be internal and/or external influences on the organization.

Conduct SWOT analysis for at least two of each of the following, by gathering relevant information from research:

Current key products.

Current key services.

Major markets.

Assess the current marketing performance of the organization against identified objectives. You must identify at least two of each the following:

Critical success factors for marketing performance.

Areas for improvement of marketing performance.

Complete the situational analysis incorporating the information identified above.

Submit the situational analysis to your assessor. Include any supplementary documents/sources used to create the situational analysis, such as:

Organizational documents/resources and policies and procedures accessed.

Printed and/or online sources of secondary research undertaken to identify factors impacting marketing direction and performance, and for conducting SWOT analysis.

Performance data on relevant metrics/key performance indicators to assess marketing performance on stated objectives.

Submit the situational analysis to your assessor. Include any supplementary documents/sources used to create the situational analysis, such as:

Organizational documents/resources and policies and procedures accessed.

Printed and/or online sources of secondary research undertaken to identify factors impacting marketing direction and performance, and for conducting SWOT analysis.

Performance data on relevant metrics/key performance indicators to assess marketing performance on stated objectives.

Task 2: Evaluate Marketing Opportunities


This task will require you to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities on various aspects relevant to the organization.

Use the Marketing Opportunity Evaluation template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

To complete this task, you must:

Access and review the following:

Situational analysis completed in Workplace Assessment Task 1.

Organizational documents with information about the following:

Organizational goals.

Organizational goals refer to the overall financial and marketing targets set by the organization.

Current organizational capabilities.

Organizational capabilities refer to distinctive skills and resources of the organization which cannot be readily acquired by its competitors, including budget and human capital.

Sales/trend data.

Identify at least two marketing opportunities for the organization based on the critical success factors and areas of improvement identified in the situational analysis report from Workplace Assessment Task 1.

Identify the following from relevant organizational documents:

At least two organizational goals.

At least two current organizational capabilities.

Complete the marketing opportunity evaluation template for each identified opportunity. This includes evaluating each identified marketing opportunity on the following aspects:


Contribution to the business

External factors, including:




Business opportunities

Business opportunities refer to opportunities for the organization as a whole that would arise from the identified marketing opportunities.

Compatibility with each organizational goal.

Compatibility with each organizational capability.

Impact on business performance.

Impact on customer base.

Submit at least two completed marketing opportunity evaluation documents to your assessor. In addition, include the following as supplementary evidence:

Organizational documents used to identify organizational goals and current capabilities.

Past sales/trend data used to analyses contribution to the business.


Business opportunities

Business opportunities refer to opportunities for the organization as a whole that would arise from the identified marketing opportunities.

Compatibility with each organizational goal.

Compatibility with each organizational capability.

Impact on business performance.

Impact on customer base.

Submit at least two completed marketing opportunity evaluation documents to your assessor. In addition, include the following as supplementary evidence:

Organizational documents used to identify organizational goals and current capabilities.

Past sales/trend data used to analyses contribution to the business.

Task 3: Develop Draft Marketing Strategy


Your assessor will observe you as you consult with key internal stakeholders to develop marketing strategy according to prepared research and evaluation of marketing opportunities in Workplace Assessment Task 2.

Part A: Formulate Marketing Strategy and Related Key Performance Indicators

Use the Marketing Strategy template provided at the Bounce Fitness site. To complete this task, you must:

Access and review the marketing opportunity evaluation documents created in Workplace Assessment Task 2.

Develop at least one marketing strategy for your organisation based on at least one of the marketing opportunities evaluated in Workplace Assessment Task 2.

Marketing strategy is the route map to be followed to achieve marketing objectives of the organisation.

Formulate at least two objectives for the marketing strategy.

Objectives must be SMART and include quantifiable key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and measure success of the marketing strategy.

Complete the marketing strategy document with principles and concepts of marketing.

Use appropriate formats and grammatical structures to present the components of the marketing strategy logically for different stakeholders.

Part B: Consult with Stakeholders

You will be assessed on your practical skills to:

Present the marketing strategy to at least three key internal stakeholders in your organisation, using appropriate language and non-verbal features to explain and present information.

Relevant key internal stakeholders are personnel within the organisation who can impact or get impacted by the marketing strategy, such as marketing managers, brand and product managers, and supervisors.

Seek feedback from the stakeholders on the marketing strategy during the presentation, using active listening and questioning to elicit feedback and clarify or confirm understanding.

Discuss at least two potential risks on implementation of the marketing strategy.


Your assessor will observe you as you consult with key internal stakeholders to develop marketing strategy according to prepared research and evaluation of marketing opportunities in Workplace Assessment Task 2.

Part A: Formulate Marketing Strategy and Related Key Performance Indicators

Use the Marketing Strategy template provided at the Bounce Fitness site. To complete this task, you must:

Access and review the marketing opportunity evaluation documents created in Workplace Assessment Task 2.

Develop at least one marketing strategy for your organisation based on at least one of the marketing opportunities evaluated in Workplace Assessment Task 2.

Marketing strategy is the route map to be followed to achieve marketing objectives of the organisation.

Formulate at least two objectives for the marketing strategy.

Objectives must be SMART and include quantifiable key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and measure success of the marketing strategy.

Complete the marketing strategy document with principles and concepts of marketing.

Use appropriate formats and grammatical structures to present the components of the marketing strategy logically for different stakeholders.

Part B: Consult with Stakeholders

You will be assessed on your practical skills to:

Present the marketing strategy to at least three key internal stakeholders in your organisation, using appropriate language and non-verbal features to explain and present information.

Relevant key internal stakeholders are personnel within the organisation who can impact or get impacted by the marketing strategy, such as marketing managers, brand and product managers, and supervisors.

Seek feedback from the stakeholders on the marketing strategy during the presentation, using active listening and questioning to elicit feedback and clarify or confirm understanding.

Discuss at least two potential risks on implementation of the marketing strategy.

Submit the draft marketing strategy to your assessor.

You must also submit visual aids as evidence of consultation with at least three relevant stakeholders of the organisation.

Evidence must be at least one of the following:

Email correspondence

Meeting minutes

Video recording of the consultation conducted with the stakeholders

When using this as evidence, ensure to inform the stakeholder of the purpose of the recording before doing so.

Submit the draft marketing strategy to your assessor.

You must also submit visual aids as evidence of consultation with at least three relevant stakeholders of the organisation.

Evidence must be at least one of the following:

Email correspondence

Meeting minutes

Video recording of the consultation conducted with the stakeholders

When using this as evidence, ensure to inform the stakeholder of the purpose of the recording before doing so.

Task 4: Finalise Marketing Strategy


This task will require you to complete the marketing strategy developed in Workplace Assessment Task 3, formulate risk management strategies and contingency plan.

Part A: Complete Marketing Strategy

To complete this task, you must:

Access and review the following:

Draft marketing strategy developed in Workplace Assessment Task 3.

Organisational policies and procedures relevant to documenting the marketing strategy.

Revise and edit the marketing strategy document by incorporating the feedback received from stakeholders in Workplace Assessment Task 3 according to organisational policies and procedures.

Part B: Risk Management and Contingency Plan

Use the following templates and document provided at the Bounce Fitness site:

Risk Register

Risk Rating Matrix

Contingency Plan

To complete this task, you must:

Enter at least two potential risks identified in Workplace Assessment Task 3 in the risk register.

Develop at least one risk management strategy for each potential risk identified in the risk register.

Develop at least one contingency plan.

This must include plans to manage at least two contingencies or situations which can materialise if the marketing strategy does not achieve desired results.

Append your risk register and contingency plan to the marketing strategy.

Use the following templates and document provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Risk Register

Risk Rating Matrix

Contingency Plan

Submit the following to your assessor:

Final marketing strategy

Completed risk register

Completed contingency plan

You must also submit the following as supplementary evidence:

Organisational policies and procedures referenced to document the marketing strategy.

Risk rating matrix used for this task.

Submit this only if you used a risk rating matrix different from what is provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Use the following templates and document provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Risk Register

Risk Rating Matrix

Contingency Plan

Submit the following to your assessor:

Final marketing strategy

Completed risk register

Completed contingency plan

You must also submit the following as supplementary evidence:

Organisational policies and procedures referenced to document the marketing strategy.

Risk rating matrix used for this task.

Submit this only if you used a risk rating matrix different from what is provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

Assessor Use Only

Assessment Activity


Needs more evidence

Short Answer Questions

Short Answer Question 1

Short Answer Question 2

Short Answer Question 3

Short Answer Question 4

Short Answer Question 5

Short Answer Question 6

Short Answer Question 7

Short Answer Question 8

Short Answer Question 9

Short Answer Question 10

Short Answer Question 11

Workplace Assessment

Task 1: Establish Strategic Direction and Marketing Performance

Task 2: Evaluate Marketing Opportunities

Task 3: Develop Draft Marketing Strategy

Task 4: Finalise Marketing Strategy

Student Feedback

Please provide any feedback you may have for this unit.


Trainer and Assessor

Other Feedback

…………….………….………………………..Tear Here……………………….……………………………….

Student Receipt

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Students are required to keep a copy of all submitted work.

Student’s Name

Student’s ID:

Type of submission

□ First Submission □ First Re-submission □ Second Re-submission

Date of Submission

Unit Code & Name

BSBMKG621– Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Assessment tasks submitted (Please tick)

Assessment 1

Assessment 2

Staff Name

Staff Signature

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