CHAPTER 1 FEEDBACK TUQA Remove everything and go straight to Chapter 1.


Remove everything and go straight to Chapter 1. Just write CHAPTER 1 and start writing right there. 2nd paragraph has an incomplete sentence).

Write complete sentences.


You need a solid literature review in your background and Statement of the Research Problem for credibility. Background is weak (how many employees, company value, product portfolio, missions and vision, objectives, values).


Statement of the Research Problem

Strengthen the above is very weak. Explain what is the problem, when did it start, how big is it, why must it be solved, who is affected by this problem, how, if not solved what are the side effects for which parties, if solved how does it benefit who and how?


Research Questions

Must start with capital letters every sentence and be bulleted or numbered.

Scope of the study is incomplete. This is inadequate. Be specific about location of project, what research methods will be used in this research and why (for both research methods if it is two methods), why you selected those methods, advantages and disadvantages of such research methods, how many people will be interviewed (minimum 8 people) and why, and who will be interviewed (designations, and why do you interview them (what is population, sampling method and justification for same, sample size and justification for that, research methods, etc?).  I want survey sample number and justification.

Significance must be improved: Improve this section, explain the benefit of this research to you (the research), the company, industry and academia (college and universities). Summarise key issues and facts only not too much detail. Impact of the Research must be improved: Improve this section on benefit of this research to you, the company, industry and academia (college and universities) and Oman the country.

Everything else is ok. Understand the value and importance of credible literature citations in every section of this dissertation. This chapter must be 1500 words or 10% of the dissertation. Formatting is not correct. Read guide and do what is required. Do chapters that march finished dissertations or those on the internet 100% in all respects. Anything less is wrong and below standard.

This is good effort. 


This is good effort, well done. You did good research but concerns are there too. Read my comments on the right-hand side of your Chapter 2 as well. You rushed to finish Chapter 2 but complete justice was not achieved. Please take your time as there is still plenty of time before due date for Chapter 2.

Your revised topic should be: Exploring the transportation industry with focus on ASYAD Express in Oman. 

Write entirely in reported speech. Your objectives in Chapter 1 should be the main topics in Chapter 2 after introduction, with sub-topics therein if you want to do real justice and stay focused. After introduction you could start next topic derived from the Problem Statement of your research then objectives and sub-topics follow, then National Transport and Logistics Policies and lastly Omanisation then Summary of Literature Review.

Just start on top of Page 1 of Chapter 2 and write CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW and start right there (use correct font size as per guidelines). Right at the beginning explain what is literature review, why is it done and its benefits in research, gaps in knowledge to be addressed supported by scholarly sources/citations. First one or two paragraphs must address that not logistics issues.

This Chapter should be 4800 words you know that, your Chapter 2 way below the required length, please increase it to 4800 words as per guidelines (dissertation length is 12000 words). Do targeted literature review only that addresses research questions fully. Address courier services related issues in greater detail. I do not see artificial intelligence and big data issues, include that naturally and electronically tracking consignments. The well-known driver shortage and new VAT issues are missing. Then get key authors, controversies and contradictions, radical literature review, where are the comfort zones and where is uncharted territory? Have key authors in supply chain in your Chapter 2, not just a collection of citations (who are the architects of supply chain and key contributors to date. You end Chapter 2 with a comprehensive Summary of Literature Review and Key Lessons Learned (about half a page). This chapter must be 4800 words (or 40% of the dissertation of 12000 words). Diverse literature review is required (journals, books, government policy reports, conference papers, industry reports, reports/publications by professional bodies like CILT and CIPS, reports by bodies like World Economic Forum, United Nations, WTO, World Customs Organisation, EU, Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI in Oman), Oman Logistics Association (OLA in Oman), GCC, ASEAN and others). Make sure feedback for the marked Research Proposals is taken into account in Chapter 1 and in the whole dissertation.

I do not see any Oman issues in your literature review? Are you telling us that there is nothing published about your topic in Oman, impossible now with seven universities now running supply chain degree programmes. Published Oman issues are so important as they are pertinent to the environment of the topic discussed and better educate us about realities in Oman. Address Oman National Transport Policy too and how Tanfeedh is helping in developing logistics companies in Oman. Talk about shipping and logistics associations in Oman and beyond (OLA, CIPS, CILT). You say nothing about Omanisation, which is quite questionable and a serious omission. Please sharpen your critique. In your literature summary at the end discuss the actual literature that you did fact by fact – what did you learn from it? We want your own opinions and critique. Certain things done overseas may not apply to Oman, tell us which ones. We want a clear comprehensive summary done with sparkling contradictions and controversies. In fact, contradictions and controversies should be there right through. Simply citing what others said without a critique is not good enough at masters’ degree level. We want your own mastery of issues. You are simply citing literature but there is no critical analysis as required – critique, controversies, contradictions and identifying gaps in knowledge. You cannot just agree with every statement. That makes your research very weak. If you do not analyse and critique your literature review then it becomes very weak. We want your own opinions and critique. Certain things done overseas may not apply to Oman, tell us which ones and why. We want a clear comprehensive summary done.

There is nothing about covid19 and low oil prices and their effect on the transport sector and the Oman economy at large, that becomes a joke really?

The literature review comparison table is missing, please do it just before Summary is quite helpful but not compulsory (addressing key authors and lesson from each key author). 

Literature critique is good but improve it. Your work is cut out for you. There is a lot of work required to reach a 1st class standard. the standards are very high and they pride themselves of some of the highest academic standards in the world. Please do corrections with that in mind.

Second supervisor’ feedback for chapter 1 and 2

Ø While the student has included a wide range of sources, but It is somewhat descriptive at the moment. More critical style is required. Please see below excerpt to edit an appropriate comment

Ø The student needs to highlight the research gaps to identify the limitations of prior research. This should guide towards the aims and objectives

Ø Some comparison and contrast among sources would be required.

Ø Proofreading is required as you pointed out some mistakes

· There are some good points included in the literature review and there are some good efforts in some areas, but in many other areas remember little descriptive where you need to improve. In some of the areas, the details are presented with the style of an essay or exam answers. This makes it very descriptive to read. You need critically analyse the details. You need to engage with the resources you have (The journal articles you have referred to) to see how they have done the literature to present a case. Then try and learn from that to incorporate a suitable style for your work. Cite where appropriate.

· The scope of the literature review needs to be more focussed and you need to identify the key theoretical issues that should contribute towards your objectives. While you have identified food waste as a problem, but towards the end, you also highlighted issues on power and CSR. A little more discussion on the connection between those would be required.

· The research gaps are not presented well. These are required to be signposted throughout the review where applicable and are required to be well established. The absence of well-presented research gaps may weaken the importance of the research and it would become difficult to understand what the researcher is intending to do in the current research.

· The summary/conclusion section could be used to summarise the research gaps as well. Then perhaps, a signposting which are the research gaps to be investigated in your research could be explained. This will help the readers to understand what you are trying to do. Use evidence to support the importance of your selection. This will answer why you are selecting those specific research gaps.

Please address this in the submitted chapter(s)

Chapter 3 feedback


This is a good attempt and I appreciate your hard work and timely submission. However, I find this chapter to be partly below expectations (in some sections) for a masters’ degree dissertation Chapter 3 (including formatting which should be better). You should read sample finished dissertations to have an appreciation of the expected quality and standards. You should also read and finish the book(s) on research methodology. Diagrams and photos are not required but facts only and numbers. My job is to help you meet expected academic standards as your supervisor. I think you can improve this chapter substantially after incorporating or factoring in my feedback as well as that from the supervisor (which will come shortly as well).

Please edit your work thoroughly. Why do you start sentences with small letters, not correct?

The first paragraph must explain what is research methodology and why and how it is done, with scholarly citations to support your discussions. A book citation for each topic in Chapter 3 is preferred. Explain each term and why it is required in research (with book citations for each term or topic).

Research Design

Where is the research philosophy/paradigm adopted (Pragmatism, Positivism, Realism, Interpretivism/Interpretivist), and why select that paradigm?);

paradigm. And what is the type of research – descriptive, exploratory or causal research ( survey-research/), and why did you select that type, you

must justify everything in research. Be specific about the physical location of project, what research method(s) will be used in this research and why (quantitative method has more than 4 types in it and qualitative has many types of research methods too, tell us which specific ones you are using within each of these two;;; qualitative-business-metrics.html) – you need a solid acceptable justification for the chosen research method(s) and why other methods were not used (I do not see that here), (what is population, sampling method and justification for same, sample size and justification for that, research method(s), etc). Which specific companies are you talking about as samples if any, not clear? Demarcate your scope and delimitations clearly in all respects for all to see and visualize (including the period of the research).

Population and Sampling

Population and Sampling must be clarified further (we need the numbers selected here – what is the population in this study and what is the sample size (for each research method) in this

research with justification). We want justification for sampling method (whose technical meaning and application must be explained as well) selected and sampling technique too, with books. It must be very detailed with specific sample size in numbers and percentages.

Data collection procedure, technique and data analysis (instrumentation)

This must be a section on its own, not detailed enough. I do not see clear sections here. Data analysis must be more detailed (for each research method used). There is no data analysis technique for interviews (detailed one). Interviews are analysed using thematic analysis or content analysis where related information is grouped together in smart systematic tables. Data collection procedure and technique for each research method employed is not explained in detail here. This is definitely required. Read: design/n189.xml; collection/;

Reliability and Validity

This must be a section on its own, missing. Tell us the definition of Reliability and Validity in research, plus what purpose that they serve in research (with supporting books), and how you will ensure Validity and Reliability in this research (with a book cited for each technical term).

You are talking about reliability of the research instruments specifically (the survey questionnaire, the interviewer and the questions used and the quality of people selected for these interviews). One of the measures is getting supervisor to check your field research questions for corrections, and to give respondents a sample questionnaire for their comments (for both interview and survey). Read: methodology/reliability-validity-and-repeatability/;

Also, you have to add t-test in chapter 3

Ethical, social and legal

Ethical, social and legal considerations are fine. These are missing altogether. Read: Make sure chapter size still complies with guidelines in terms of number of words and size. Read finished dissertations for an idea about requirements. Chapter 3 should be 15% only of 12 000 words (or 1800 words only).


Always keep an eye on word count for each chapter which is as follows as a percentage of total dissertation word limit of 12000 words: Chapter 1, 10% of 12000 words for dissertation, Chapter 2, 40%, Chapter 3, 15%, Chapter 4, 25% and Chapter 5, 10%.


Supervisor’s comments (as feedback or in meetings), will not give any indications of possible grade as that is not his/her job and is illegal, and grading is done by dissertation examiners in marking the finished dissertation. The quality of dissertation is every student’s responsibility. Make use of supervisors’ comments to improve the quality of the final submitted dissertation.


Chapter 4 feedback

Rewrite Chapter 4 and resubmit. You do not have even one scholarly citation in this chapter. This is very poor research. This chapter is 3750 when it should be 3600 words only.

Explain what is data collection, and why is it done (with scholarly citations) right at the beginning of the chapter. Then do the same for data analysis. Write SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS and then address each survey question properly. Each question must have its own diagram and must be labelled properly, and an explanation is given underneath. Read finished dissertations and see how Chapter 4 is written.

Write INTERVIEW ANALYSIS as a separate section after the survey and then address each survey question properly. You must do a final summary of the major findings according to your objectives as sub-topics as given in Chapter 1 (combine survey and interview findings) with sub-topics. It must capture all key findings fully with objectives as sub-topics there. You must also tell us whether research questions were fully answered with evidence. If you have a hypothesis then it must be qualified in this chapter – was it accepted or rejected (which you have not done which is wrong). Be clear on remedial measures or solutions advanced for identified problems or systems shortcomings.

Include your practical experience in field research (frustrations, failure to do scheduled interviews due to unavailability of person, refusal to answer questions, quality of reception as you visit phoned or emailed or had video interview, sensitivities, secrecy, etc). We want to visualize your field research – take us on your research journey through playing with language articulating actual happenings. We want live research, not a dormant one. Tell us what is in the next chapter.

(Note: In Shortly, write the e-interview analysis based on your research questions mentioned in chapter 1)

(Each paragraph that in chapter 3 is a plan for chapter 4. So, chapter 4 should be as an implementation for chapter 3)

(On the E-interview response excel sheet there’s some unexpected response you can write it as something strange you encountered in your research)

Make sure chapter size still complies with guidelines in terms of the number of words and size. Read finished dissertations on Learn for an idea about requirements.

Here are some tips to add to the analysis in the E-interview question from ASYAD employee:

Here are my comments on the interview questions:

Employe vs facts:  use the information you have regarding the 6 points below to showcase/compare to reality in a chart. The reality part comes from specific information for example turnover – you can ask people if they offered a small % increase in salary would they move and then compare it to  the employee’s interview questions

Is labor turnover a big challenge in your company? What causes it, if any?

How have higher oil prices affected operations and your company in general?

Does the company develop training courses to increase the knowledge and competence of Employees on a regular basis?

Are all departments moving together and contributing to efficiently facilitate delivery?

How responsive is the IT team to solve operations related issues?

Are operations efficiently managing the challenges they face day-to-day?

Those 2 points can be added to your part about customer experiences  

What are the common complaints that you get from your customers? Why are they recurring if that is the case?

What are your thoughts regarding the quality of your delivery fleet?

Sustainability in logistics around the world: use Deloitte analysis to see what the world going for more green projects or not? link 

Do you have long-term plans and strategies for the sustainability of the last-mile operations?

Here you can write a conclusion about those 2 points to answer in a full circle: did they make the right decision on using a system while operating? is the company ambition match its employees for improvement and growth.

How effective is your system in supporting the last-mile operation?

What do you want to see improved in your company?

List of +/- of most of the options and what did AEx using currently “such variable model ”

Does the company have alternatives to avoid the impact of higher oil prices? What are the alternatives, if any?

TRA: Go through the list of companies that have licences and ones that are currently working in the market. check here

What are you thoughts regarding government rules and regulations and their effect on delivery management at your company?  


Always keep an eye on word count for each chapter which is as follows as a percentage of the total dissertation word limit of 12000 words: Chapter 1, 10% of 12000 words for dissertation, Chapter 2, 40%, Chapter 3, 15%, Chapter 4, 25% and Chapter 5, 10%.


Supervisor’s comments (as feedback or in meetings), will not give any indications of possible grade as that is not his/her job and is illegal, and grading is done by dissertation examiners in marking the finished dissertation. The quality of dissertation is every student’s responsibility. Make use of supervisors’ comments to improve the quality of the final submitted dissertation.


Since I said rewrite Chapter 4, the same applies to Chapter 5 because I see same serious defects and mistakes. Read finished dissertations to see configuration and expected standards. I do not see even a single scholarly citation IN Chapter 5. (add scholarly citations) Is this a novel or a dissertation? So, rewrite the conclusion

Read:;; useful-dissertation-guide-when-planning-or-writing.pdf;;;;;;;

Right at the beginning please remind people what was your topic and why this research was done, why is it important, what were the key findings and their value to academia, industry and society. This chapter must be 1200 words only and no more. Please do not try to rewrite Chapter 4 again, we simply want a very brief summary of the whole project.

Every part of this chapter must constantly refer to actual findings. All discussions must mirror actual findings as a rule.

Format topic as per guidelines. Have the required scholarly citations in this chapter in every section (minimum 3-4) in this chapter).

Summary of Findings and Conclusion should focus on key findings only. Avoid talking about the technicalities of what you did in Chapter 4 again. Recommendations must be a maximum of 3-6 very important aspects of findings only AND NO MORE, must be in point form sentence by sentence of what should be done to improve operations at the chosen companies and country. Do it in point form. Refer to actual findings as you make recommendations for relevance of these recommendations. Recommendations should mirror and reflect actual findings in Chapter 4 as remedial measures or solutions related to actual findings in Chapter 4.

Limitations: limitations in the research are better written here after completion of all the research.;;

Your future research is inadequate. Future research must tell us which areas were not fully addressed by your research and why, which are the areas other researchers can pursue further.

This is because your future research suggestions generally arise out of the research limitations you have identified in your own project. I discuss six types of future research suggestions you can make. These include: (1) building on a particular finding in your research; (2) addressing a flaw in your research; examining (or testing) a theory (framework or model) either (3) for the first time or (4) in a new context, location and/or culture; (5) re-evaluating and (6) expanding a theory (framework or model). The goal of future research is to help you think about the potential types of future research suggestion that you may want to include in your project. Read:;;

The final chapter is where impressions must be created, and confidence solidified.

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