Course Learning Outcomes: Analyse the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the

Course Learning Outcomes:

Analyse the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development.

Assignment Instructions:

Login to Saudi Digital Library (SDL).

Search for the case study entitled as ‘Reorganizing the finance department: Managing change and transitions’ by Anderson, D. (2018). In SAGE Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Read the case thoroughly and make a summary alongside reading Chapter 12 in your textbook before answering the questions of the assignment.

Assignment Question(s):

Part 1 (3 marks):

1. What are the key reasons behind the reorganizing of the finance department in this foods company? (Words 150-200)

2. What do you think the major concerns will be of employees and managers in the new design? (Words 150-200)

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a gradual versus a rapid transition? (Words 150-200)

Part 2 (2 marks):

4. Please refer to table 12.5 in Chapter 12 in p.352 of your textbook. Then, choose an example of an organization that uses a product-centric structure. Please justify and explain your answer. (Words 250-300)






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