Course Reflection Instructions Week 8 Learning and Application Reflection Paper As a

Course Reflection


Week 8 Learning and Application Reflection Paper
As a closing assignment for the course and drawing on the team paper you submitted in Week 7, please prepare submit a brief (1,500-2,000 word) Applied Learning paper, this time focusing on the course lessons you have learned, the techniques you have mastered or seek to master, and how this knowledge will enhance your life, business and career. Reflections should also be used to relate the concepts and ideas we have studied/discussed in the virtual classroom that enhance learning outcomes and adds value to professional development.  Comment on problems or successes encountered, deficiencies of style in management and/or leadership, or other ideas related to the “Topics for the Week”.  This is your opportunity to coalesce the ideas you have studied into an overall view of the topic for that week.  It is not enough to list what you have studied or what you did. You should be able to demonstrate that you have thought through the issues and can propose solutions in keeping with the discussions in the forums and the readings.  These will be words in APA format. 

Support this paper with a short 4-5 slide MS PowerPoint presentation. This assignment is due by Day 5 and earns 150 points. Feel free to discuss your thoughts with your classmates to wrap up the week and course.  Let me know if there are any questions.

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