-Describe what occurred to the Middle east that caused them to hate

-Describe what occurred to the Middle east that caused them to hate the United States. Be sure to include discussion information from the class.

-Describe is the difference between domestic and international terrorism. Be sure to provided examples of each and what their goals were. Do you think those lines have become blurred and if so why; provide examples?

-Describe the fourth amendment search requirements and the exceptions associated with it. Where does the TSA fall into those? Be sure to discuss the requirements for it to be legal for TSA to conduct these searches.

-Describe the statistics on unruly passengers. Be sure to provide possible explanations which could explain those statistics and include information discussed in class.

-Discuss the timeline and changes or enhancements to airport screening processes and technology which have occurred as we evolved from a reactive to proactive approach.

-Discuss the U.S. v. John Walker Lindh case. In your opinion, do you think his confession should or should not have been held up as evidence in his trial.

-A balancing approach. In today’s society we have to balance the need for protection against the limiting of individual civil rights. In relation to US airport security, have we gone to far or not far enough? Support our conclusion.

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