Design an Adder that takes 3 bits as an input and performs

Design an Adder that takes 3 bits as an input and performs addition of given input and 7.

Eg. If the given Input is 5 the result of the adder should be 12.

Requirement and Rubrics: Truth Table – 2 Marks

K – Maps – 4 Marks

Simplification of K-maps expressions if any – 2 Marks

Circuit design – 2 Marks

Identify the mistake in the following K – Map. 2 Marks

How many possible combinations exist for n inputs? 2 Marks

Which of the following determines the output of a combinational circuit? 1 Mark

A. its input values only

B. its input values and the current state of the circuit

C. its input values and the source signal

D. its input values and the select signal

Prove A(B+C) = (AB) + (AC) using Truth Tables 5 Marks

A _______________ performs a basic operation on electrical signals. 1 Mark

In a _______________ circuit, the output is determined by the input as well as the existing state of the circuit. 1 Mark

What are the three stages of the Instruction cycle? 2 Marks

Parallelism can be achieved by ———– technique. 1 Mark




All of the above

Give the boolean expression and truth table for the following circuit. 5 marks

In pipelining, instructions are executed—-? 1 Mark




None of the above.

When the data operands are not available then it is called—-? 1 Marks


Control hazard

Structure hazard

Data hazard

In non-pipelined execution, how the program instructions are executed? 2 Marks




None of the above

Which of the following hazards can be caused through resource conflicts? 1 Mark




When a pipelining includes four phases like 50, 70, 90 & 100 ns duration with 10 ns latch delay, then calculate speed up ratio? 5 Marks

Describe the types of Memory transfer operations. 2 Marks

Explain why Static RAM consumes more power than Dynamic RAM? 2 Marks

Cache access time is 30 ns and main memory access time is 100 ns. What is the total memory access time ? 1 Marks

What are the differences between a Hardwired control unit and Micro-programmed Control Unit? 2 Marks

Convert 135 Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal. 3 Marks

Perform -5-9 using 2’s complement. 2 Marks

Perform -13+3 using 1’s Complement 2 Marks

Compare 2’s complement and 1’s complement. 1 Mark

Solve a K-Map F(A,B,C,D) = 5 Marks

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