Donny Rodgers Bellevue University August 31 2021 A Trend Wearing Technology in

Donny Rodgers

Bellevue University

August 31 2021

A Trend Wearing Technology in Healthcare


Recently, wearable technology has trended in the community, making smartwatches get observed as mainstream. Besides, the future of wearable gadgets seems to proceed well without slowing down. Most patients are demanding them so that they can monitor their wellness. For the last few years, wearable technology users have tripled. Based on the Business Insider Intelligence research, 80% of the customers are yearning to put on wearable technology (Phaneuf, 2019). The rising petition for wearable technology devices has developed a thriving market making the other organizations learn how delivering wearable health gadgets to their clients is essential.


Remarkably, remote care has advanced and turned to be a vital portion of the health maneuvers in the times that the contagion, coronavirus, is predicted to proceed, which is a substantial challenge for both patients and providers. Recently, telehealth is not available in isolation, although based on the video and checkups consults, the wearables being used in healthcare provide a way for the nurses and other healthcare experts to observe and control patients’ progress even when they are far away. Essentially, Ramses Gallego, international CyberRes CTO, states, “Wearables offer a way to go beyond the typical metrics by providing detailed medical information” (Wearable tech in healthcare, 2021). In exercise, wearable health devices provide the possibilities which are essential in healthcare. Thus, the main focus is on the trending wearing technology in healthcare that most patients are willing to monitor their health.


The growth of wearable sensors within the medical market has slowed down, while on the other edge wearable gadgets have taken control as a significant part of existence and fitness marketplaces. The worst thing about sensors development is that they have led to massive deployment in health settings (Lu et al., 2020). Mainly, the sensors have affected linked healthcare and accurate medicine in which the wearable technology gadgets attain advanced eminence. In detail, these devices ensure the actual time dimension of personal wellbeing. Innovative technology is now on the wearable technology that sits on the hands. It helps the health specialists work with their patients by gathering data for their medication and assisting them with the healthy habits within their lifestyle.


Wearable technology devices are placed at the wrist since they conveniently display essential data (Asadi et al., 2019). Indeed, the more advanced the technology is, the more the society adapts to it. Remember that the smartphones are placed in the pockets, but the watches are on the wrist. It means that it is easier to view them while one is still working. It makes one not stop working and take out something from the pockets. Thus, various significances are associated with wearable technology. In the medical care system, wearable technology is a trend that has been easy for monitoring remote patients. The studies prove that wearable technologies help specialists to monitor human physical happenings and performances. Besides, they monitor biochemical and physiological parameters for daily life. The quality work wearing technology devices provide to the patients has made them trend within the healthcare market, conquering the sensors. In-depth, “Wearable technologies provide data monitoring of clinical data and behavioral data such as activity levels, type of activities and social activity/interactions” (Lewy, 2015). That is why most patients demand to own them.


Remarkably, the developing customization of wearable technologies devices raises the capability to gain extra data from the patients incorporating self-monitored data. Such accessibility and vast quantities of data that never existed earlier bring a chance of developing advanced tools. The action is done by using decision sustenance instruments and intelligent analyses for use within the healthcare exercise. Eventually, it opens innovative abilities for the clients by giving them extra data and decision backing gadgets developed explicitly for them.


Asadi, Shahla, Rusli Abdullah, Mahmood Safaei, and Shah Nazir. “An integrated SEM-Neural Network approach for predicting determinants of adoption of wearable healthcare devices.” Mobile Information Systems 2019 (2019).

Lewy, H. (2015). Wearable technologies–future challenges for implementation in healthcare services. Healthcare technology letters, 2(1), 2-5.

Lu, L., Zhang, J., Xie, Y., Gao, F., Xu, S., Wu, X., & Ye, Z. (2020). Wearable health devices in health care: Narrative systematic review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(11), e18907.

Phaneuf, A. (2019). Latest trends in medical monitoring devices and wearable health technology. Business Insider.

Wearable tech in healthcare: Possibilities and pitfalls. (2021, April 19). Technology Solutions That Drive Healthcare.

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