Introduction The case study is about a dairy products company that goes


The case study is about a dairy products company that goes by the name Hy Dairies. Stereotyping refers to the process of making assumptions and presumptions based on various social attributes like culture, gender, ethnicity, etc. that an individual subscribe to(Hayes & Smiley, 2018). Stereotyping is therefore generally a practice that creates a lot of discomfort in the workplace because most of the decisions and assumptions that are made on that basis often emphasize individual weaknesses due to the___14 general assumptions held about the community in question(Buxton-Namisnyk & Butler, 2017). Therefore, t5here is a sense in which stereotyping brings about the feeling of discrimination in an organization or any workplace since people are handled based on the general assumptions of cultural, social, and ethnic attributes(Weng & Clark, 2018). On the other hand, social identity theory refers to a social identity concept that is based on the perceptions held on certain group behaviors and traits; like the ability to move from one group to another, the differences in the status of the groups in question, and the perceived legitimacy of the group. Based on the concept of the s6tereotyping in the workplace and social identity theory, there is a sense in which the position changes that happened at Hy Dairies were associated with both positive and negative effects (Weng & Clark, 2018). However, there is a sense in which its negative effects outweigh the positive outcome because people Rochelle Beauport was transferred from her post of assistant brand management to brand research coordinator post to limit her imminent rise through the ranks and consequently outshine her seniors within the organization.


What Went Wrong in the Hy Dairies Case Study?


Stereotyping refers to the process of making decisions concerning individuals based on social attributes like culture, ethnicity, gender, community, etc. (Hayes & Smiley, 2018). There is a sense in which stereotyping brings discomfort in the workplace due to the concepts of discrimination that it creates among the individual against which it is subjected (Stoddard & Pfeifer, 2018, April). On the other hand, social identity theory refers to a theory tag is used in the social identification process that mainly used in the reduction of behaviors of an individual or a group of individuals on the legitimacy for a group, and the ability to move from one group to another(Buxton-Namisnyk & Butler, 2017). In the case study, there is a sense in which stereotyping was applied by the organization vice president by transferring Rochelle Beauport from the position of deputy brand manager to the backroom post of brand research coordinator(Hayes & Smiley, 2018). This was a form of discrimination since Beauport showed her ability to outshine her senior in the branding department due to the significant improvement in the sales volume and popularity of the company’s ice cream brand which was dragging when she joined the company (Stoddard & Pfeifer, 2018, April). From a crucial point of view, there is a sense in which Syd Gilman’s immediate move to transfer Rochelle from the post which she significantly impacted the profitability of the company was a way of cutting her legs in disguise of exposing her to more opportunities of experience(Weng & Clark, 2018). Due to her unmatched intelligence and smartness in the field of brand management and promotion, it was feared that Rochelle would easily rise through the ranks to the top leadership positions, an issue that was considered taboo in the company since women were not allowed to ascend to top management positions in the company.



Perceptual Errors in the Case Study

Perceptual errors refer to the process of judging situations, scenes, events, or human beings inaccurately and unfairly. Some examples of perceptual errors include stereotyping, prejudice, and other forms of discrimination based on individual attributes (Weng & Clark, 2018). The case study of Hy Dairies is dominated by perceptual errors that are based on inaccurate and unfair judgments of individuals and situations in the case study (Hayes & Smiley, 2018). The first perceptual error that occurred in the case study was the move by the company’s vice president, Syd Gilman to presume that Rochelle was comfortable with the new position that she was given (Buxton-Namisnyk & Butler, 2017). Deep inside, Rochelle Beauport was not comfortable with the research coordinator since it was far away from the bottom-line activities of the organization, hence it’s like a way of limiting her opportunities of promotion in the brand management department that she enjoys serving in.


How to Minimize Misconception in this type of situation

The first way in which organizations can minimize misconceptions that are brought about by stereotyping and the negative social identification theory is through advocacy of the value of diversity (Weng & Clark, 2018). When organizations embrace diversity especially in the social, cultural, and ethnic context6s, there is a sense in which every individual will be appreciated fairly based on their efforts (Hayes & Smiley, 2018). This would help i9n avaiidi9ing situations like the one in the case study since women will equally be appreciated as men and even entrusted with the top management posts in various workplaces (Stoddard & Pfeifer, 2018, April). The


second way of minimizing such misconceptions is through encouraging cross-group interceptions.


In a nutshell, there is a sense in which stereotyping minimizes comfort in the workplace since it creates an atmosphere of discrimination. No one chooses to belong to a tribe, an ethnic group, or a cultural sect. Therefore, there is a sense in which one should not be judged based on individual attributes like culture, ethnicity, etc. Being that retention of employees for a long is always beneficial, there is senxs4e in which organizations should minimize misconceptions brought about by stereotyping that cause high rate of employee’s turnover hence deteriorating organization’s productivity and consequent profitability





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