Massie, Raymond 7/3/2019 For Educational Use Only § 50:6.Form drafting guide—Checklist—Drafting franchise…,

Massie, Raymond 7/3/2019

For Educational Use Only

§ 50:6.Form drafting guide—Checklist—Drafting franchise…, 4A Am. Jur. Legal…

Massie, Raymond 7/3/2019

For Educational Use Only

§ 50:6.Form drafting guide—Checklist—Drafting franchise…, 4A Am. Jur. Legal…

4A Am. Jur. Legal Forms 2d § 50:6

American Jurisprudence Legal Forms 2d | May 2019 Update

Chapter 50. Business Franchises

II. Basic franchise agreements

§ 50:6. Form Drafting guide— Checklist—Drafting Franchise agreement

Summary | Correlation Table

Checklist of matters that should be considered in drafting a franchise agreement:

 • Franchisor.

— Name.

— Address.

• Franchisee.

— Name.

— Address.

• Nature and extents of rights granted to franchisee.

— Duration of franchise period.

— Exclusiveness of franchise.

— Authorized use of trademark.

• Description of franchise territory.

— Geographic boundaries.

— Demographic considerations.

• Franchisee’s form of business.

— Corporation.

— Limited Liability Company.

— Partnership.

— Sole proprietorship.

• Payment by franchisee.

— Royalty fee.

— Service fees.

— Advertising fees.

— Amount of fees returnable on termination of agreement.

• Preliminary duties of franchisor.

— Construction of business premises.

— Lease of business premises.

— Feasibility studies for market area.

— Training of franchisee.

• Continuing duties of franchisor.

— Training of new personnel.

— Providing new information.

— Guidance in business decisions.

— Product improvement.

• Duties of franchisee.

— Maintaining standard of quality.

— Business promotion.

— Maintaining competent employees.

— Attendance at regional meetings.

— Notification of franchisor of financial difficulties.

— Maintenance of trade secrets.

— Agreement not to compete with franchisor.

• Quality control.

— Operating manual.

— Franchisor’s approval of franchisee’s employees.

— Inspection by franchisor.

— Requirements as to supplies, ingredients, and equipment.

— Antitrust problems regarding extent of controls.

• Advertising.

— Promotional advertising.

— Continuing fees for advertising.

— Advertising fund.

• Assignment or other transfer of franchise by franchisee.

— Approval by franchisor.

— Time in which franchisor must approve.

— Requirements for assignees or transferees.

• Renewal of agreement.

— Notice of intent to renew.

— Renewal fee.

• Termination.

— Definition of breach or default.

— Notice of termination.

— Refunds to franchisee on termination.

— Statutory regulation of termination.

• Arbitration of disputes or other method of alternative dispute resolution.

• Severability of contract provisions.

• Choice of law for interpretation of contract.

• Compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations prior to execution of contract.

• Effective date of agreement.

• Date of execution of agreement.

• Signatures of parties.

Westlaw. © 2019 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.

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