racial profiling unfair treatment Section 1 – Your Topic & The Sociological

racial profiling unfair treatment

Section 1 – Your Topic & The Sociological Worldview

Using class material, explain the difference between the sociological worldview and the individualistic worldview. Use an example to illustrate the difference. Why is your topic sociological and not simply individual? In order to explain why your chosen topic is social in nature and not individual, briefly explain the difference between an individual cause and a social cause to a topic/issue. In order for this topic to be studied and understood, why must it be looked at through a sociological worldview and not an individualistic worldview? Cite all sources using APA style in-text referencing in order to avoid plagiarism.

Section 2 – Your Chosen Topic:

Identify your topic:

 Provide a formal definition of your chosen topic (ie. From a journal

article, Statistics Canada etc…).

 What is the objective of this paper? State either your research

question or thesis.

 Using research findings from one (or more) of your academic sources,

identify the human groups most affected by this topic/issue

 Using research findings from one (or more) of your academic sources,

identify the topic’s social causes (outside of the individual’s control)

Research question: If you are using a research question, here you will attempt to answer your research question to the best of your ability drawing from your academic sources

Hypothesis: If you are using a hypothesis, here you will construct your argument that supports your hypothesis drawing from your academic sources

Section 3 – Connecting Your Topic to the Three Social Theories:

Reflect on your chosen topic. Discuss how it would be understood from each of the three classical social theories. How would each perspective understand and explain your given topic/issue.

If you are using a thesis approach. This section will provide an opportunity to further your point.

Write at least one separate paragraph for each of the social theories. Cite all sources using APA style in-text referencing in order to avoid plagiarism.


Summation of main ideas
Why is this topic relevant today? Why does it warrant further research?

Here are the sources you MUST use




Important note: This is NOT an opinion paper. You will provide an unbiased report based on definitions, evidence and data from academic sources only.

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