Sports, Entertainment or Restaurant Print Ad creation Create a print ad that

Sports, Entertainment or Restaurant Print Ad creation

Create a print ad that advertises for any sports franchise, entertainment venue (movie chains, big theaters, music boxes, gaming company etc.) or restaurant that you can think of.

Create a print advertisement that could show up in common sports, entertainment or food magazines or even online sites.

After you finish creating your ad provide answers to the following questions on a separate doc and submit to Schoology. These questions help you elaborate about your ad.

Describe your thought process behind the layout.

Explain the language of headline/copy you came up with and its intended messaging

Why did you use this color scheme and why?

What strategy did you implement? No branding strategy allowed. I want to see a message (or copy) included, so you can’t use a Branding Strategy.

No use of celebrities! I don’t want to see you just fall back on Endorsements. That isn’t a strategy or concept we’re using.

Again, put these in a separate Google Doc to submit via a drop box on Schoology.

Project Rubric POINTS

1. Print ad 15

2. Explanation of ad 5


You pick your software, but it will need to look professional. We can work quickly, yet professionally in these programs. I understand we haven’t taught you all the aspects of graphic design. I can easily work with you in these programs to make your vision come to life.




If any others come to mind, feel free to use them.

I’ll try and reserve some lab space, if possible. May just need to draw or use your iPad though.

*Rubric attached for evaluation.

Considerations while building…

Ad layout

(4 pts.)

Excellent spacing and balance, easy to read, message flowed. Creator really established a sense of proportion, symmetry and thought out each section of their creation, implemented a seamless read that the eye could travel and follow and WANTED to read.

Colors and font

(5 pts.)

Avoided default font, used appropriate sizes, contrast where necessary and very easy to read, matched message really drove home the theme.

Stayed within color guidelines, but utilized an eye-catching appeal, not a dead, flat look. Colors popped and used the colors that send the message they wanted.

Four parts

(3 pts.)

Implemented all four

Stayed within proper wording suggestions of headline

Copy – utilized W’s and used persuasive and informational techniques

Considerate of our % – allocation for each part, some should be larger than others

Originality and creativity, thoughtfulness, error free

(3 pts.)

Unique, persuasive, informational and creative.

Viewers haven’t seen others just like it continuously used in advertising.

Language was compelling and powerful, memorable and well thought out. Elements blended perfectly together. Error free.

The post Sports, Entertainment or Restaurant Print Ad creation Create a print ad that appeared first on PapersSpot.


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