The criminal court system in the United States has a federal and

The criminal court system in the United States has a federal and a

______________ level


Which word describes where a criminal case is heard based on the

location of the crime (jurisdiction or venue): ________________________


When a court follows a judicial precedent, they are following the decision

of a previous appellate court (true or false): ____________________


Name one source of legal rights: _____________________________


After an arrest is made an arrestee goes through a Booking. What is one

purpose of this procedure: ____________________________________


In criminal procedure, what comes first…the jury being picked and seated,

or opening statements by the prosecutor and defense attorney:



What takes place after a plea is received or a trial is concluded:



Give a short definition of reasonable suspicion:




Give a short definition of probable cause:



10.What is the main purpose of the exclusionary rule:


11. Give one exception to the warrant requirement:


12. The concept of a pat frisk (limited in time pat down of a suspect’s outer

clothes for the purpose of determining if a weapon is present) came from

the case of: ___________________________________

13. What kind of evidence does the “plain feel” doctrine apply to:


14. “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” Doctrine involves the exclusion of evidence

due to the officer involved violating the 4


Amendment in order to secure

that evidence (true or false): __________________________

15. There are four elements to an arrest. The intent of the officer to take

someone into custody, the authority of the officer to make the arrest, the

communication of that intent, the __________________ _____________

of that person.

16. A reasonable expectation of privacy (REP) has only an objective element

(true or false): _____________________

17. Intrusive searches can either be a strip search or a body cavity search.

Both of these searches require probable cause, and a body cavity search

also requires a ______________________

18. The key elements of the use of force by a police officer are that the force

employed is __________________ and proportional.

19. The most important element in the police use of deadly force is that

there is a substantial likelihood of serious bodily injury or death to the

officer or a member of the public (true or false): _________________

20. A search is an exploration for evidence while a seizure is taking physical

_________________ of evidence.

21. The filing of a search warrant affidavit is the last step in the search

warrant procedure (true or false): ____________________

22. Give one purpose of a police roadblock:


23. The motor vehicle exception to the warrant requirement is based on a

vehicle being easily moved once la enforcement lets it go. Therefore, all

that is needed for this type of search is probable cause and the vehicle

being on a public way (true or false): ______________

24. Give one reason why a motor vehicle inventory search would be

conducted by the police:


25. In order to conduct a plain view search an officer must be where he or

she is legally allowed to be, that they see the evidence with their own

eyes, and that the illegal nature of the evidence is readily apparent to the

officer (true or false): _____________________

26. Give a short definition of what is meant by “curtilage”:



27. What is a typical scenario where evidence may be considered




28. Because police identification procedures appear to give a limited number

of choices to a victim or a witness, it is said that they are inherently

suggestive (true or false): ________________

29. With a photographic array all photos are shown to the victim or witness

at the same time (true or false): __________________

30. Name one reason why a witness may make a misidentification of a

suspect: ___________________________

31. Which identification procedure is when a victim or witness is taken to the

location of where the suspect was located (show-up or bring-back):


32. What two Constitutional Amendments are the basis of the Miranda

Warnings: __________________________________________

33. The “functional equivalent of questioning” is when an officer makes

statements that could induce an arrestee to speak in a way that

incriminates them (true or false): ____________________

34. The ____________ safety exception to the Miranda Rights allows an

officer to question a suspect without giving him or her their Miranda


35. The elements of a valid Miranda Waiver are that it was done intelligently,

knowingly, and ___________________.

36. A criminal defendant cannot participate in any aspect of jury selection

(true or false): _________________

37. A criminal defendant has the right to hire an attorney or have one

__________________ by the court.

38. Give a short definition of exculpatory evidence:



39. Name one of the goals of sentencing: _________________________

40. Give one of the rights that a victim has in a criminal trial:


41. A sentencing of a juvenile to a combined sentence of the Department of

Youth Services followed by commitment to an adult prison after reaching

the age of 21 is considered a blended sentence (true or false):


42. When a police officer gets sued under 42 USC section 1983 it is alleged

that he or she violated someone’s _____________________ rights.

43. Give one example of what a police officer may be sued for in state court

under the principles of tort law: ________________________________

44. Under the public duty doctrine, a police officer may be civilly liable if he

or she established a special relationship with the person suing the officer

or they _________________ or enhanced the danger being faced by that


45. A supervisor can at times be liable for the actions being performed by

one of his or her subordinates (true or false): _________________

46. If one officer is using excessive force on a citizen, the other officers on

scene may have a duty to __________________

47. Qualified Immunity is a judge made doctrine that provides a complete

defense to an officer being sued civilly (true or false): ______________

48. In most cases police officers will need a ________________ to search a

cell phone.

49. GPS monitoring can never be used as a term and condition of probation

(true or false): ____________________

50. The USA Patriot Act was enacted in response to what event in our

history: _________________________


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