Use this template to deconstruct your research article Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal

Use this template to deconstruct your research article

Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance

Focus on Research Template

Part 1 – Deconstruct the above article using the template below. Number and label each question separately. Do not turn this in essay style. At the top of the page – take your knowledge of what an APA style reference should look like, and give a complete and correct APA style reference for the above study. For this part of the assignment, only refer to the above article.

What previous theory/research was known about this topic?

(be sure to cite at least 3 previous studies using APA referencing)

What did the authors hope to add to the existing literature that was either missing or not previously explored?

(In other words, what was their rationale for doing the present study?)

What specific hypotheses did the authors make, if any?

(if no clear hypotheses were made, state either the research question(s) or devise a plausible hypothesis of your own.)

Name the independent variable(s), their levels, and their operational definitions.

Name the dependent variable(s) and their operational definitions.

What were the significant findings and were the hypotheses confirmed?

What is the applied value of this study?

List and define any important terms integral to the study.

Part II – Summarize your reaction to the article, “When the revolution came for Amy Cuddy.” Think about the following items/questions:

What happened to her and why?

Was she (and other scientists) somehow singled out, if so, why?

Did this change the way you think of the scientific process? Explain your answer.

Part III – Summarize your reaction to the article, “Power posing is back. Amy Cuddy successfully refutes criticism.” Did this article affect/change how you think of the scientific process. Explain your answer – “Yes, or No” is not an answer.

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