Week 1 instructions For this week’s discussion choose one reading and one

Week 1 instructions

For this week’s discussion choose one reading and one visual text. Write one paragraph for each selection. (One written text and one visual text)

First focus is on the main idea. View the presentation below to begin your exploration of the thesis statement

Main Post #1:

Choose one reading and one visual text from the options below and answer the following questions. (250 word minimum). Pose a question for your classmates to grapple with.

*Written Text: Answer Three Questions

What is thesis or main idea?

Describe the plot in one or two sentences by identifying the conflict, climax and resolution.

Select a specific part, passage, or phrase from the story; quote it and identify which rhetorical strategy it represents.

Rhetorical Modes Handout (see file/ attachment)

Reading option is

THE CLINIC. The grimmels 2015 see PDF

*Visual Text: Answer Three Questions:

What is the main idea or thesis?

Describe the conflict or tension

How do the elements in the image support the main message?

For Your Peer Responses:

In no less than 150 words, respond meaningfully to at least two peers’ posts.


For full participation credit, a minimum of three posts must occur on three or more days during the active week.

First post should occur on or before Wednesday.

All posts should include word count.

Posts discussing written texts should include quotes with APA in-text citations and a reference.

See Discussion Rubric for full assessment of discussion posts.


Sample of Written Response (based on “Rebel Music,” p. 81)W

In Rebel Music, Daniel Felsenfeld shares his coming of age as a musician and composer. The story is his journey as a rebel and surprising discovery and passion for classical music. The main idea or thesis is what is means to be different.

Unlike other teenagers who listened to punk, goth, heavy metal music, he finds something that really sets him apart. The climax comes when he heard “something really wild” that changes his life”: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (Felsenfeld, 2019, p. 81). The resolution was his decision to become a composer of contemporary classical music.

He describes how his life in Orange Country, California takes an unexpected turn by using compare and contrast. He compares the lush landscape of his childhood neighborhood to the arid or desert-like life without high art and culture. Felsenfeld (2019) wrote, “The O.C. was billed as the ideal suburban community, but when you are raised in ta palm-tree lined Shangri-La,… it is hard to grasp what is missing. Now, I realize: even though we had enough water to keep the manicured leans just so, I was experiencing a personal drought, an arid lack of culture of all kinds, especially music” (p. 81). This passage helps to show where we grow up makes a large difference in our viewpoints, including what we may not include in our viewpoint.

WC: 222


Felsenfeld, D. (2010). Rebel Music. In R. Bullock, M. Daly Goggin, & F. Weinberg (Eds.) The Norton field guide to writing with readings (5th ed.) (pp. 81-84), WW Norton.

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