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1 2 CJA/484: Criminal Justice Administration Capstone Wk 2 – Ethics in



CJA/484: Criminal Justice Administration Capstone

Wk 2 – Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis [due Mon]

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Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the relationship between ethics and professional behavior in the administration of criminal justice.

Explain the role of critical thinking with regard to the relationship of ethics and professional behavior.

Include in your paper a proposal for a seminar in ethics training for law enforcement officers.

In your proposal choose five areas of ethical conduct and that will be stressed in the seminar.

Explain why you chose those areas and what the expected benefits of the training will be for both officers and the community.

Include at least four peer reviewed references

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis

Brenda Pina

University of Phoenix


Faculty Name

Due Date

Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis

“Ethics: moral principles governing individual and group behavior, based on ideas concerning what is morally good and bad.” (citation)

Ethics & Professional Behavior

Replace the level one heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be in bold font. Headings are a necessary part of helping your audience track the sub-topics discussed in the body of the essay or report.

Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces by pressing the Tab key one time on the keyboard. In addition, remember to double space the entire paper using the double space functionality in Word. This template is already formatted for double spacing.

In addition, keep in mind an academic essay should contain at least five paragraphs, which includes the introduction (introductory paragraph), the body (which is generally at least 3 paragraphs), and the conclusion (generally one paragraph). Most well-developed paragraphs contain at least three to five sentences, one of which is the topic sentence. Limit each body paragraph to one sub-topic.

Critical Thinking, Ethics & Professional behavior

Replace the level two heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be in bold font. The text begins as a new paragraph.

Ethics Seminar Proposal


The closing paragraph is designed to bring the reader to your way of thinking if you are writing a persuasive essay, to understand relationships if you are writing a comparison/contrast essay, or simply to value the information you provide in an informational essay. The closing paragraph summarizes the key points from the supporting paragraphs without introducing any new information.


This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, triple click your mouse on this line of text and replace the information with your reference entry. You can use the Reference and Citation Examples (Center for Writing Excellence > Reference and Citation Examples) to help format your source information into a reference entry.

The reference page always begins on the top of the next page after the conclusion.

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