8 Evaluation Plan Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date Evaluation Plan Introduction A


Evaluation Plan


Institutional Affiliation



Evaluation Plan


A good health care system is one of the main pillars contributing to the country’s growth in the economy. Notably, this trickles down to the different states and towns. A good health care system requires good medicare resources and service delivery. Many nations worldwide are striving to achieve a good health care system with proper funding of the ministry of health. When this ministry is well funded, the healthcare department can provide medical care through the employment of qualified medical practitioners, ensuring medicine availability in hospitals and health care facilities, and providing health insurance covers to patients. In Las Vegas, Nevada, the state is also at the forefront in ensuring that residents of that state are cared for in terms of having sustainable health care services. However, various factors hinder the success of proper medication and health service delivery. Some of these factors include unemployment, delayed healthcare services, poor management, and insufficient funding (Drury & Louis, 2002).

The different challenges have led to establishing a team of experts to evaluate the service delivery by the ministry of health in Las Vegas. The team comprises five members and one team coordinator, Luis Miguel, Rebecca Michaelson, Leah Remini, Stefan Salvatore, and Ferragamo Chris. The team coordinator was Davis Putin. The team was tasked with evaluating the various situations hindering the provision of medicine and services to patients, leading to the town being ranked poorly in healthcare service delivery.

Program description

The evaluation team was to conduct a program by the name (SLL), which stands for Save Las Lives. It is good to note that this program was established back in 2019 by two doctors and ten nurses. The program was to carry out health outreaches to the people in Las Vegas during a scheduled calendar. These health practitioners did this mission to sensitize the residents on regular checkups and seek early medical advices. The group then grew into an organization that was registered according to the requirements of the town charter. The organization then decided to subdivide into small team groups, which comprised five members and one general coordinator, making the total number of members in every team six.

The team was formed to evaluate how medicine and health services were availed to patients with obesity and those who are overweight. The team was to carry out the entire evaluation for about four months and develop a report on the findings and results obtained from the assessment. According to past surveys and studies, many patients who suffered obesity and other related diseases were experiencing delayed healthcare services. The number of these patients continued to increase over the past three years, causing an alarm to the situation (Drury & Louis, 2002). The team was also to evaluate the effects of unemployment on accessing medical care.

Patients diagnosed with obesity usually fail to access health care services and develop other related diseases such as cardiovascular issues and mental issues. Most of these patients typically have delayed medical care due to lack of knowledge and information, the stigma of being overweight, and fear of being told to reduce weight. However, some also fail to seek medical attention because they lack the resources to pay for those services. As a result, most end up suffering and eventually die. Notably, this contributes to the high number of death cases from this diagnosis and related issues (Drury & Louis, 2002).

According to different studies carried out by different scholars and scientists, unemployment is a significant factor contributing to most people’s poor state of mind. It is good to note that unemployment can contribute to the diagnosis of mental health issues in patients. According to different reports, mental health in many people results from unemployment, which results in the lack of funds and resources (Warr, Jackson & Banks, 1988). Consequently, lack of employment results in the absence of resources needed to pay for the medicine and other health care services such as surgery and medical insurances (Warr et al., 1988).

The evaluation team was to ensure it has attended to over five hundred patients with obesity. During their evaluation, the team was to exhaustively ensure they address the reasons behind the continued rise in the number of patients diagnosed with obesity. During this process, the team also ensured they have researched how fast these patients accessed medical treatment. It is good to note that this was recorded using two rows. In one row, the data on the rate of attendance for the employed patients with obesity was recorded. The other row is comprised of data for the unemployed patients. The team also evaluated issues that arise from the failure of having early assistance to the patients with obesity. The research was also to touch on the mental health state of these patients regarding the situation. The team was also to give advice to these patients and educate them on the same issue.

Many stakeholders endorse the program being under the ministry of health. These stakeholders include persons with association to the governmental agencies, while others are non-governmental organizations. The other stakeholders are those with private corporations aiming to foster faster health care services and health coverage for patients in Las Vegas. One of the non-governmental stakeholders supporting this program is the Las Vegas Savers association which has endorsed the program with the necessary resources needed for the entire evaluation months. These include financial resources and transportation resources. The stakeholders will also analyze the results obtained and develop a system that will help fasten the evaluation process. The stakeholders will also help advertise and sensitize the residents through state media such as radios and television shows.

It is good to note that the evaluation process will carry out a process evaluation in which the team will deal with patients personally. Notably, this will help obtain firsthand information about the challenges faced by these patients (Drury & Louis, 2002). The patients will also be able to provide full details on the issues the team will be evaluating. Notably, this evaluation process will also help provide a platform to the patients to give extra information and recommendations on the same issue.

The evaluation will employ a non-experimental evaluation design. However, the evaluation process will use some characteristics found in the quasi-experimental design of evaluation. During the process, the team will evaluate different patients who will be selected randomly. Notably, this will aim to assess the results from interventions and those that have not received intervention in time. With this type of design, the team will carry out an average estimation of how many patients suffer from delayed healthcare services delivery and how unemployment affects the mental health state of these patients. The team will be dealing with various questions: how does unemployment influences the timeframe for patients with obesity regarding seeking early medical care. The other question is how stigma influences delayed healthcare service delivery to patients who are diagnosed with obesity. Finally, the other question will be the resultant complications from the delayed medical care to these patients.

The data will be collected using both quantitative and survey methods. Moreover, during the evaluation, the specific information will be present testing as patients are evaluated. Once the data is obtained, it will then be analyzed using tables, charts, and graphs. A team of data analysts under the health department will analyze the data and provide a conclusive report on the analysis.

Once the data is analyzed and represented, the data will be stored in the secure database program. Notably, only the relevant authorities will be allowed access to this data which will help prevent data loss and misuse. Additionally, this data will be used for future references and studies. Those members who wish to remove their data from the database program will be advised accordingly to ensure mutual consensus is achieved.

The stored results will then be subjected to internal evaluation. In this evaluation, the stakeholders and the teams will discuss the results to achieve a sustainable health care program. The challenges of unemployment that result in mental issues will be addressed, and alternatives are drawn (Warr et al., 1988). The stakeholders will then develop the necessary changes needed for evaluation.

Evaluation Task

Person(s) Responsible


Engagement of stakeholders

Team coordinator

1 month

Focusing evaluation

Team leader

1 month

Gathering evidence and justification

Team coordinator

1 month

Evaluating results

Stakeholders’ chairperson

1 month

Table 1. Evaluation work plan


The evaluation processes on different programs help sensitize the public about various issues being faced by people. Evaluation in the healthcare department will help prevent delayed healthcare service delivery and insufficient medication. With such processes, the healthcare system will be improved, and more caution is taken to ensure lives are saved, especially at early stages, to avoid resultant issues or even death. Evaluation plays a significant role in ensuring services are available through addressing the challenges in the different departments.


Alegria Drury, C. A., & Louis, M. (2002). Exploring the association between body weight, stigma of obesity, and health care avoidance. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 14(12), 554-561. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-7599.2002.tb00089.x

Warr, P., Jackson, P., & Banks, M. (1988). Unemployment and mental health: Some British studies. Journal of Social Issues, 44(4), 47-68. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-4560.1988.tb02091.x


Long-Term Outcomes

Long-Term Outcomes

Mid-Term Outcomes

Mid-Term Outcomes







Short-Term Outcomes

Short-Term Outcomes

Collected data

Collected data

What will occur as a direct result of the activities & outputs? (typically, changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes)

What will occur as a direct result of the activities & outputs? (typically, changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes)

NSF funding


Advisory panel

Industry partners

In-kind contributions

ATE resource centers

NSF funding


Advisory panel

Industry partners

In-kind contributions

ATE resource centers

Establish regional partnerships

Develop curriculum

Conduct workshops

Provide research/ field experiences

Hold conference

Establish articulation agreement

Establish regional partnerships

Develop curriculum

Conduct workshops

Provide research/ field experiences

Hold conference

Establish articulation agreement

People engaged (students, faculty, industry partners)

Curriculum materials developed

Policies created

Publications issued

Certification standards established

People engaged (students, faculty, industry partners)

Curriculum materials developed

Policies created

Publications issued

Certification standards established

High school students have increased awareness of technical career opportunities

Faculty improve their pedagogical skills

More students enter workforce with 21st century skills

High school students have increased awareness of technical career opportunities

Faculty improve their pedagogical skills

More students enter workforce with 21st century skills

What results should follow from the initial outcomes? (typically changes in behavior, policies, practice)

What results should follow from the initial outcomes? (typically changes in behavior, policies, practice)

Improved retention

More effective classroom instruction

Increased number of job placements in technical fields

Increased employer satisfaction

Improved retention

More effective classroom instruction

Increased number of job placements in technical fields

Increased employer satisfaction

Increased regional economic vitality

Increased diversity in the technical workforce

A more highly skilled and adaptable workforce

Increased regional economic vitality

Increased diversity in the technical workforce

A more highly skilled and adaptable workforce

What results should follow from the initial outcomes (typically, changes in broader conditions)

What results should follow from the initial outcomes (typically, changes in broader conditions)

Logic Model for medicine and health project

Evaluation Task

Person(s) Responsible


Engagement of stakeholders

Team coordinator

1 month

Focusing evaluation

Team leader

1 month

Gathering evidence and justification

Team coordinator

1 month

Evaluating results

Stakeholders’ chairperson

1 month

Table 1. Evaluation work plan

Evaluation Task

Person(s) Responsible


Engagement of stakeholders

Team coordinator

1 month

Focusing evaluation

Team leader

1 month

Gathering evidence and justification

Team coordinator

1 month

Evaluating results

Stakeholders’ chairperson

1 month

Table 1. Evaluation work plan

Financial support

Financial support



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