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Alice Loggins Goldstein 1 posts Re: Topic 1 DQ 2 hello everyone,

Alice Loggins Goldstein 

1 posts

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

hello everyone, 

when looking at religion as the humanities perspective, we can view religion as how it started, where it came from and the groups that practice the religion. basically the the history of it all. if we look at religion in a scientific perspective we can view religion in ways were everything is backed up and fact checked using quantitative methods of research. i think that i prefer the humanities perspective, but its not to say that i don’t like the scientific perspective. it is good to have information fact checked and have a more accurate answer to certain questions, however, a humanities perspective, i feel you can really understand a religion and the people who practice that religion a little better by actually listening to experiences and their history for that religion.

2 posts

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

Hello Class,

I think that the perspective of serving a religion would be best studied and explained through humanities. This way, it would be possible to take a closer look at some of the beliefs and values and the meaning behind those rituals. By taking the humanities route you are going for a more qualitative look than a quantitative. By doing so, you could get to know the individual and why they believe the way they do to maybe understand their beliefs through cultural upbringing or the practice of a particular religion they have studied and deemed fitting for their beliefs. This way, we can, as stated, understand other religious cultures and beliefs; yet still holding to our values and beliefs. Since religion is not really something we can quantify or measure, I beleive that a qualitative or ethnographic type study would be the best fit to gain a deeper undertanding of the subject.



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