Carparking finder
Question 1
User Goal
User Case Name
Brief Description
Register in the system.
Register as a person offering parking space.
Provide personal information
Provide personal information
Provide information such as physical address, telephone number and current email address.
List parking space on the system
List space
List parking space by providing the required information about the space.
Search for parking space.
Search slot
Search for the desired parking space.
Create an account
Create account
Create an account by using the credit card for payment purposes.
Make payment
Make payment via credit card.
Book a parking slot
Book slot
Select the space by indicating the renting period and the vehicle registration number.
Provide reviews and ratings
Provide reviews and ratings for the parking space.
ParkingFinder system
Send a check to the landlord
Mail check
Send a check to the landlord every month.
Question 3- Non-functional requirements of the system
Design Constraints
The car parking system will present a higher quality. It is also believed that the customers will do their tasks basing on the manual provided by the landlord. The system will have easy-to-navigate features that guide the customer on the designated parking spaces available.
An effective reliability on the system will aid in satisfying the needs and requirements of customers as well as the requirements of the car parking system or process.
In terms of performance, the car parking system will be effective and highly efficient. For instance, the user (customer) requests will be processed in 3 seconds and results given back within the shortest time possible.
The system will prevent any malware or any program that is designed to cause the system to malfunction. The advanced approaches in the communication system will uplift both the software and hardware devices involved in the car parking system.
In terms of the design constraints, the system will use a specific interface protocol or specific algorithm in line with the available budget for development of the car parking system.
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