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Journey North – Virtual Remote Nursing Experience Objective: To obtain simulated experience

Journey North – Virtual Remote Nursing Experience


To obtain simulated experience in northern community health nursing through observing and engaging with scenarios in Journey North.

Click on the following link http://www.etvlabs.com/journeynorth/home.html

(note this video requires Adobe Flash – and you must allow flash to run in your settings)

Type in the username: jnuser and the password: JNpreview2015

** Note: a username may not be required**

Pre-activity assignment:

Read Rural and Remote Nursing Chapter 24.

During the activity assignment (we will discuss your points during praxis seminar):

Make notes of the various clinical practice scenarios by commenting on the expanded scope of practice required of the remote community health nurses. 

Make notes on what stood out for you and what surprised you about this community and the resultant role for CHNs

Make notes on how the clinical staff described their roles;

Make notes on the myths regarding Indigenous peoples, and how this activity counters these myths (read Chapter 22)

Make notes that identify the various skills required of a CHN working remotely 

Post-activity assignment:

The responses to the questions below will be used to guide you in writing your 4th Praxis Note

Please also incorporate the CHNC Standards, Watson’s theory and any relevant and appropriate additional scholarly literature/research

Identify what Primary Health Care Principles are evident in this simulation.

How is cultural safety/sensitivity assured by those working at the nursing station?

What health inequities (SDOHs) are most evident with living in remote areas north?

What role would a novice Community Health Nurse engage with in the facility? What would this look like?

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