S: Patient is a 28 yr. Old male with ℅ having a

S: Patient is a 28 yr. Old male with ℅ having a scaly lesion over his left groin area and a painful cut between his big and second toe for the last 3 weeks. Pt denies any  Hx of diabetes and any recent fungal infections and any skin Dx such as eczema. Pt denies any recent injury to the foot. 

Immunizations: Pt states to be up to date with all  immunizations including varicella, measles, mumps and rubella vaccines. Patient states to have received 3 doses of the HPV vaccine before the age of 25

Preventive care: Pt states to participating in an exercise regime that consist of lifting weights 4x/week and on occasion goes on runs 

Reproductive Hx: Pt denies having any children

Social Hx: pt states to occasionally drinking alcohol 1-2x/week and states to smoking marijuana 3-4x/month, pt denies any nicotine use 

Allergies: NKA, NKFA, NKEA

Medications: Patient denies any medications 

Hospitalizations: pt denies any hospitalizations and states no prior surgeries 

O: 118/86, 72, 98.3, 18,  99% on RA, pain 6/10 on his foot 

A/Ox4. Patient appears to be well kempt and clean, dressed for the weather

Eyes: Pupils are equal, round, reactive to light, No exudates, no hemorrhage

HENTS: Normocephalic, no scars, hearing intact, Oral mucosa pink and moist

Neck: non-tender, no jugular venous distention

Respiratory: Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally, respirations are even and unlabored, breath sounds equal and unlabored, symmetrical chest wall expansion

Cardiovascular: Capillary refill <3 sec, pulses present in all extremities, no edema, no gallop, no murmur, S1 and S2 present 

Gastrointestinal: Bowels sounds in all four quadrants, soft and nontender, non-distended

Genitourinary: No costovertebral angle tenderness.

Musculoskeletal: No abnormalities in gait, no tenderness, no masses

Integumentary: Skin is warm, dry, pink and intact, good skin turgor, no bruises, red and warm scaly lesion over his left groin area, fissure present on the left foot between first and second toes, no discharge, no drainage assessed 

Neurological: sensation intact, DTR +2 in all extremities, cranial nerves intact

Further questions to assess: do you participate in any contact sports? Do you wear shoes in the locker room at the gym? Do you practice safe sex? Ever been tested for HIV? 


A/P: Diagnosis: Tinea cruris and tinea pedis 

Differential Dx: Ringworm 

Laboratory: culture of foot wound

Medication: Clotrimazole 1%cream, apply to area BID for 2 weeks on the groin area and 4 weeks on the feet (Zhao et al., 2020)

Follow up: 2-3 weeks if rash has not gone away 

The patient should be educated to apply medication as prescribed and to apply the medication for the amount of time stated, even if they are feeling better. The patient can use anti sweat spray for feet since fungal infections like dark, warm and moist areas (Zhao et al., 2020). Household items such as towels and bedsheets should be washed weekly. The patient should be encouraged to wear loose fitted clothing to and to shower and change clothing after any physical activity in order to avoid sweat built up on the skin.  



Zhao, D., Chen, B., Wang, Y.-T., & Jiao, C.-H. (2020, November 20). Topical clotrimazole cream. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7676513/.

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