Week 4 Term Paper Outline 1 Week 4 Term Paper Outline Shannon

Week 4 Term Paper Outline 1

Week 4 Term Paper Outline

Shannon L. Bonnet

West Coast University

Professor Mishra

July 08, 2021

Outline Template


Physician assisted suicide is a type of suicide of a terminally ill patient by a self-administered lethal drug prescribed by the physician who has judged that the patient is mentally competent to make the request and perform this action. This is normally the patients request and the physician will provide the necessary education but the patient is the one that injects themselves. Does a person choose to suffer out the last few months of life with family or end their life with peace and dignity?

Body Paragraph 1 – Technical aspects of your topic

Topic Sentence: The main goal of physician assisted suicide is to allow the physician to assist their patients with ending their life by providing them the self-administered lethal drug.

Supporting detail 1: It is very important to discuss your end of life wishes with your physician as early as possible.

Supporting detail 2: The physician will provide appropriate education and alternative options to the patient to assist in making the best end of life decision. (Hospitalist, 2018)

Supporting detail 3: It is more humane to allow a person with long term suffering to choose how to end their lives.

Body Paragraph 2 – Description of public policy debates surrounding your topic

Transition: The public have many concerns about how one will die and the emphasis on how medical interventions will come at a good cost for end of life care.

Topic Sentence: The American College of Physicians (ACP) are opposed to the legalization of physician assisted suicide and affirm that as medical professionals we need improve the care of the end of life patients. (Quill et al., 2018)

Supporting detail 1: ACP recognizes that the improvements need to be made to fully understand and further educate the practice on hospice and palliative care

Supporting detail 2: According to ACP, they believe that legalizing the method will affect the patient – physician relationship in the health care world. (Quill et al., 2018)

Supporting detail 3: ACP agrees that as physicians, they eliminate the problem not the patient. Provide relief of the physician pain still providing them time with their families and friends.

Body Paragraph 3 -Arguments

Transition: In today’s society, patients generally have the right to decide their treatment as long as they are mentally competent are able to provide consent.

Topic Sentence: The definition of physician assisted suicide embraces the notion that patients understand what they are consuming and how to commit the act in which they are requesting self-injection. (McKinnon, 2019)

Supporting detail 1: “The right to die should be a matter of personal choice.” Each individual has the right to choose their own dignified quality of life and death, it’s a personal choice.

Supporting detail 2: It is important that nurses support the patient in their medical wishes and continue to provide constant support

Supporting detail 3: Autonomy, anyone in this situation or position has the right to make their own decisions regardless of anyone else’s opinion as long as they are competent and mentally stable.

Body Paragraph 4 – Arguments

Transition: Physician assisted suicide is incompatible with the physician’s role as a healer.

Topic Sentence: Legalized physician assisted suicide in all 50 states can diminish the protection of saving and doing all things possible to save all lives.

Supporting detail 1: It will be very easy and tempting for physicians to provide the easy way out, or an easy option of ending their lives.

Supporting detail 2: All medical staff will promote the dangerous alternative rather than taking a non-deadly measures to having a better outcome.

Supporting detail 3: As the Hippocratic Oath says “Do no harm to the patient… I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it…”

Opinion and Conclusion

Transition: Physician assisted suicide is very controversial in many states of the United States.

Statement of Opinion: Patients have every right in their life to have the option to end their life with the physician’s assistance.


Lagay, F. (2003, January 1). Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Law and Professional Ethics. Journal of Ethics | American Medical Association. https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/physician-assisted-suicide-law-and-professional-ethics/2003-01.

McKinnon, B. (2019, June 7). Ethics in physician-assisted dying and euthanasia. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles 2019. https://pulmonarychronicles.com/index.php/pulmonarychronicles/article/view/561/1236.

Physician-Assisted Suicide. American Medical Association. (n.d.). https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/ethics/physician-assisted-suicide.

Quill, T. E., Arnold, R. M., Youngner, S. J., & Swetz, K. M. (2018, January 12). Ethics and the Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide: An American College of Physicians Position Paper. Annals of Internal Medicine. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/full/10.7326/M17-0938.

The Hospitalist. (2018, September 14). Is Physician-Assisted Suicide Ever Justified? The Hospitalist. https://www.the-hospitalist.org/hospitalist/article/123102/physician-assisted-suicide-ever-justified.

Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments – Euthanasia – ProCon.org. Euthanasia. (2020, March 17). https://euthanasia.procon.org/top-10-pro-con-arguments/.

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