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WORKSHEET GUIDELINES ART 101 Worksheet document has 3 parts, and only 2


Worksheet document has 3 parts, and only 2 submissions (in week 2 and 5). It will reveal the importance of putting artworks in context, (part 1 and 2) and examine connections between artworks executed before and during the Modern and Contemporary time periods (part 3).

Worksheet Part 1: Choosing Work of Art from ART 101

In week 2, open the worksheet Part 1 document, which is located under the File area of the Canvas navigation menu.

In the first column, state which style or culture your artwork belongs to.

In the second column, provide an example of a visual artwork created within the time frame between Prehistory and mid 19thcentury (1850) that could have been created within that particular style.

In the third column, state whether the artwork was created by an individual or a group and provide the name(s) of the creator(s), if known.

Select only one of the artworks listed that you would like to continue research on, and answer both of the questions following the worksheet:

When was this artwork created? What is the medium/material in which this artwork was executed (i.e. oil on canvas, marble etc.)?

Where is its current location? What is its place of origin?

Once the worksheet part 1 is complete, save the file. Copy/paste your chart under the Week 3 Discussion – Worksheet Milestone One – Topic Proposal. Your instructor has to approve your choice, and peers will give you comments and advice on the work provided.

Worksheet Part 2: Chosen Artwork Chart

In weeks 3-4, after practicing your answers in the Worksheet Practice document, (which you can find under the File are of the Canvas navigation menu), complete the Artwork Chart. This part of the worksheet is a research on the work of art you have already chosen in part 1. Once the worksheet Part 2 Artwork Chart is complete, save the file. The entire Worksheet document will be submitted at the end of week 5.

Worksheet Part 3: Artwork from Modern and Contemporary World

In week 5, open the worksheet Part 3. Complete the table, addressing the following:

In the first column, identify creators from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries who you think made important contributions to art and culture in the form of humanities visual artworks that impacted society.

Identify one of the artworks they created

Identify medium (material) in which selected artworks were executed and exact date of their creation

Then, explain why you believe the creator felt the need to express their ideas (in the fourth column). What was his/her purpose or intention?

For example, if one of the people you chose was Salvador Dali, you could identify one of his works of art and discuss how this work of art relates to Sigmund Freud’s theories.

Once you have completed the table, answer the question presented at the bottom of the page: What differences do you notice between the artworks from each era (meaning Prehistory to mid-19th century on one end, and Modern and Contemporary World on the other)? Reflecting on what you have learned in this theme, where do you think those differences stemmed from?

How relevant your chosen work of art from Part 1 and 2 (which belongs to Prehistory to 19th century time period) still is?

Did it have any influence on 20th and 21st century art and architecture?

Have its iconic features been repeated often in popular culture? If yes, why and where?

Make sure to include list of used sources at the end of the worksheet.

Once the worksheet part 3 is complete, save the file.

Submit your completed worksheet (parts 1,2 and 3 together) for grading under Week 5 – Worksheet Part 1,2,3 – Submission.

Worksheet has to be submitted in word or pdf format only, as one or three separate documents.

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