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Assessment Task 2 your Final Task for NRSG374 Case Study Critique of care scenario…. Case Study of Tyler need to be read through-Complex. Clinical Practice Welcome to Assessment Task 2 your Final Task for NRSG374 Case Study Critique of care scenario…. Case Study of Tyler need to be read through-Complex. Clinical Practice guidelines to be followed… Care may or not provided for the patient. Look at literature

Assessment Task 2 your Final Task for NRSG374 Case Study Critique of care scenario…. Case Study of Tyler need to be read through-Complex. Clinical Practice

Welcome to Assessment Task 2 your Final Task for NRSG374

Case Study

Critique of care scenario…. Case Study of Tyler need to be read through-Complex. Clinical Practice guidelines to be followed… Care may or not provided for the patient. Look at literature-_ read disease progression, Pathophysiology… Example Neuropathy_ why it is happening. National Palliative Care Standards…Direct Care provision. Journal Article. Quality or NMBA Standards…Partnering with consumers. Talk and support in detail. Look at Clinical Practice guidelines. Care provision… What is recommended. Care gabs missed…Literature. Evidence based Literature..CRC I dentification – latest, Tyler Information….Thursday to MONday..Foucus in Issue ..National Pallative Care Standards 1-6 ..NMBA Standards 1-7… What we need to Know and What is Nice to know or see.

Choose from… Care of Dying Patient ….. OR End of Life

Appendix B – Assessment Task 2: Written Critique of care provided to a Palliative Care Patient

Let’s breakdown the requirements of task 2

NRSG374 Unit Outline Assessment Task 2 Details

Students are to provide an 1800-word critique of the provided case study using only ONE CPG.

· The CPG’s to select from are:

· Care of the Dying patient

· End of Life Care

To complete this task, you will need to discuss and critique relevant elements of the CPG and case study whilst upholding the National Palliative Care Standards at least one of: the below standards.


• NMBA standards and/or

Do we need to use all these standards to do well?

· As the rubric states if you provide “Outstanding knowledge of themes and principles associated with palliative care” this will demonstrate an outstanding application of your knowledge to practice therefore using standards from more than one of the above and relating them together to uphold your critique of the patient care and support the clinical practice guideline selected will demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding. Using one standard from one of the above will not provide strong application of knowledge. However, a comparison of multiple standards that as registered nurses we are required to uphold will absolutely demonstrate very strong knowledge and understanding, if you link them together well with evidence-based practice (EBP)

Where do I find all these standards?

You should be aware of all of the standards above as they have been discussed in many units throughout your degree, so now it is time to demonstrate your knowledge and bring them together. to assist you We have provided links below to each of the standards we would like you to utilise in your critique.


Eight National safety and Quality Health Service Standards to provide a nationally consistent level of care that can be expected by all consumers from all health organisations



Seven Standards that all Registered nurses must uphold to ensure that they maintain their registration and provide person centred and evidence-based preventative, curative, supportive, formative and palliative elements to their practice


National Palliative Care Standards

Nine National palliative Care standards that you know well as they have formed the framework of NRSG374 and were fundamental for assessment task 1


How do I relate these standards to the case study?

This is where your critical thinking and application of theory to practice is required, we cannot tell you how to do this, as a final year nursing unit it is essential that you are aware of how all of these standards, uphold and maintain, patient centred care, dignity, patient assessment and safety to name a few. Spend some time reviewing these and map out the ones that you believe are important for your critique.


Students are required to demonstrate an understanding of how theory translates into practical nursing care and how evidence underpins best practice. Each student will review and critique the care given in the Case Study provided according to their choice of ONLY ONE of the provided Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG’s) best suited to the highlighted discussion.

Where will I find the CPG’s that you want me to use?

You are provided with CPGs for this task, in this booklet.

You need to choose one of these only to demonstrate the area of care that you are providing a critique of. You are not expected to look for other CPG’s to support your work, however evidence based practice of peer reviewed journal publications are expected to further reinforce the critique.

· Aetiology of Motor Neurone Disease

· Consider the Patient Situation

· Collect Cues and Info


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