As a leader in a nursing department, you are taking time to reflect on everything that you have learned thus far, the leadership theory that you prefer to use, why you chose it, and how that theory influences staff morale and satisfaction.
Write your thoughts in a 3-page paper, excluding the title page and references, and include the following:
Write an introductory paragraph that includes the sentence, The purpose of this paper is to
Define the leadership theory that you prefer to use.
Provide your rationale for the leadership theory that you chose.
Describe how that leadership theory influences staff morale and satisfaction.
Include specific examples of the theory’s influence on staff morale and satisfaction.
Include at least 1 additional reference and accompanying citation in the body of the paper in addition to the textbook.
The following headings are required:
Preferred Leadership Theory and Description of Theory
Rationale for Preferred Leadership Theory
Leadership Theory Effects on Staff with Examples
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