Write an essay on ONE of the following topics:
1. How does organisational culture impact on an organisations performance?
2. Discuss the role of stakeholders in an organisation.
3. Choose ONE of the following laws and explain why it is so important in the workplace?
a. The Equality Act
b. The General Data Protection Act
c. The Health and Safety at Work Act
4. Which is most important in an organisation? Control, power, or influence?
For your topic you should discuss relevant theories and their impact on organisations. You should illustrate your essay with examples of organisations which have implemented the various models, theories or laws (or have failed to do so) and discuss their influence. You should reflect on the role of leadership and management within the context of your essay. This assignment relies on you carrying out research from a number of sources, formulating appropriate arguments, and applying informed judgement in order to draw evidence based conclusions.
Restrictions on Time/Word Count: 1,800 words +/- 10% (not including references)
Core book
Boddy, D. (2014) Management: An Introduction. (6th Ed). Harlow: Pearson Education. Chapters 1 and 10 [EBook].
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