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Week 2 Discussion 1 Investment and ROI During this week we will

Week 2 Discussion 1

Investment and ROI

During this week we will evaluate the concept of treating human resource management processes, practices, and procedures from a strategic point of view. The skills and knowledge possessed by individuals can be valuable assets to any organization and should be treated as such. Organizations should understand how to value/measure and manage from an investment point of view all as-sets, including those related to their employees. However, many factors can influence the in-vestment orientation of an organization. Understanding the risks and benefits to the organization of investing in human capital is of great importance. 

Also, we will discuss the importance of proper design and redesign of work systems. Job duties and characteristics are considered when jobs are designed. Environmental and organizational change can serve as a catalyst to redesigning work systems. Organizational change can be difficult, and may be resisted by some, but must be managed effectively to facilitate organizational performance. Outsourcing of some HR functions can make sense for organizations and can bring a higher profile to HR managers as they assume less operational and more strategic duties. Certain critical HR functions should remain internal to the organization. 

To prepare for this Discussion:

Human Technology Week 2 – see pdf

HTP – see pdf

Performance Consulting Chapter 3 – see word.doc


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Question A

Organizations should understand how to value/measure and manage from an investment point of view all assets, including those related to their employees.  However, many factors can influence the investment orientation of an organization.  Understanding the risks and benefits to the organization of investing in human capital is of great importance.

Identify and explain the factors that influence the investment orientation of your organization.

Then for each factor, state the risk and benefits as it relates to investing in human capital.

You can use a current or previous employer, popular company from the media, or create a fictional scenario.  

Question B

The term Return on Investment (ROI) is often used in describing the results that will be gained by investing in a new venture. The human element is often the most important element of performance. Thus, appropriate resources and investment must be committed by an organization to facilitate systems of attracting, motivating, and managing human resources.

Thus, why is it important to consider the ROI in terms of employees and performance? 

Be sure to back up your response with research from a credible outside resource. 

3 – 4 paragraphs

No plagiarism

APA citing

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