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What changes toward a more democratic society occurred during and after the Persian Wars?

How and why did democratic traditions develop in ancient Greece? How did democratic traditions evolve within the Greek city-states? What changes toward a more democratic society occurred during and after the Persian Wars? What were the strengths and weaknesses of a more democratic society? Why did democratic traditions decline?

Essays must be a minimum of 500 words in length (roughly two typed, double-spaced pages).

Essays must be double-spaced and written in your best professional style.

Essays must include citations. You may use whichever citation format you choose (MLA, APA, etc.footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical references are all acceptable forms of citation for this assignment).

This is a formal essay and must include a thesis statement, introductory paragraph, and concluding paragraph.

Also for the sources, you do not need to include any since I will use the material from my classes course module as my citation.


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