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Discuss the role of stakeholders in an organization.

Write an essay on ONE of the following topics: 1. How does organisational culture impact on an organisations performance? 2. Discuss the role of stakeholders in an organisation. 3. Choose ONE of the following laws and explain why it is so important in the workplace? a. The Equality Act b. The General Data Protection Act … Read more

E- Commerce Analytics

E- Commerce Analytics Objective: Use Spark features for data analysis to derive the valuable insights. Problem Statement: You are working as a Big Data consultant for an E-commerce company. Your role is to analyze sales data. The company has multiple stores across the globe. They want you to do the analytics of their sales transaction … Read more

You will act as a local authority planning officer and prepare a pre-application advice report for a developer who is seeking planning advice on the proposed redevelopment of a site in the London Borough of Camden. Your report will outline the stages involved in submitting and processing the planning application, explain the relevant planning pol

Pre application advice for clients This piece of work is worth 50% of the overall module mark. The word count is 2,500 words (+/- 10%). You will act as a local authority planning officer and prepare a pre-application advice report for a developer who is seeking planning advice on the proposed redevelopment of a site … Read more

Write a review of the research articles you evaluated in your Topic 5 “Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature” assignment. If you have been directed by your instructor to select different articles in order to meet the requirements for a literature review or to better support your evidence-based practice project proposal, complete th

Write a review of the research articles you evaluated in your Topic 5 “Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature” assignment. If you have been directed by your instructor to select different articles in order to meet the requirements for a literature review or to better support your evidence-based practice project proposal, complete this step prior … Read more

Assessment Task: You are a junior consultant working for an international investment organisation. The firm has some new prospective clients visiting the Head Office in London. Your manager, the Head of International Markets, is very keen to sign the clients but wants to improve their understanding of international trade, finance, and investment matters. You are tasked with writing a comprehensive report on the following: Finance is considered as the life blood or the engine of growth for international trade and development. a. Evaluate how the financial markets work to allocate capital within a domestic economy and internationally for trade, investment, and development purposes. b. Using an economy of your choice critically evaluate what are the key challenges that country faces due to industrialisation and trade policies?

Assessment Task: You are a junior consultant working for an international investment organisation. The firm has some new prospective clients visiting the Head Office in London. Your manager, the Head of International Markets, is very keen to sign the clients but wants to improve their understanding of international trade, finance, and investment matters. You are … Read more

Details of Assessment You are the newly appointed strategic consultant with JD Sports PLC a UK based retailer of fashionable branded sports and casual wear. The board of directors in UK has decided to expand the business in Real Estate Market in the UK. Therefore, you are instructed to prepare a report suggesting the best strategic direction for the firm to grow into another market

Individual Strategic Management Report Word limit: 3,500 ) Details of Assessment You are the newly appointed strategic consultant with JD Sports PLC a UK based retailer of fashionable branded sports and casual wear. The board of directors in UK has decided to expand the business in Real Estate Market in the UK. Therefore, you are … Read more

Conflict in Teams Workplace conflict is often perceived to be negative; however, some workplace conflict is actually a necessary part of a thriving organization. For instance, conflict can help to create new ideas

Conflict in Teams Workplace conflict is often perceived to be negative; however, some workplace conflict is actually a necessary part of a thriving organization. For instance, conflict can help to create new ideas and decisions that benefit the organization as a whole. There are times however when conflict becomes detrimental to the organization. There are … Read more


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