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Week 6 Discussion PICOT question: Are obese adults in America (P), more successful at losing weight with a medical inte

Reply to the following discussion by challenging the post. You will want to focus on their point of view, asking pertinent questions, adding to the responses by including information from other sources, and respectfully challenging a point of view, supported by references to other sources. Be objective, clear, and concise. […] The post Week 6 … Read more

Select a Geography-related article that is interesting to you (it must be over a full page when print previewed). Com

  ACTIVITY OPTIONS Select ​one​ activity option from each of the following categories.    Read the related prompt ​before​ you start. You can find more specific suggested activities on the last page if you’re having trouble with this list. “GET CRITICAL” Select a Geography-related article that is interesting to you […] The post Select a … Read more


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