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INTL 415: Theoretical Foundations of Global Studies Final Take-home Exam Fall 2021

INTL 415: Theoretical Foundations of Global Studies Final Take-home Exam Fall 2021 Leopoldo Rodríguez Instructions: Answer all questions. Each question is worth 10 points. Your answers to each question must not exceed 1 page single-spaced. Use your knowledge from course readings and lectures to answer the questions thoroughly. Make direct reference to authors and readings … Read more

Please design this negotiation separately from the perspective of event planner and

Please design this negotiation separately from the perspective of event planner and sponsor negotiation Event Planner vs. Sponsor Negotiation The Negotiators The event planner (New England based non-profit organization) has notified a midlevel sponsor that their annual event sponsorship is concluding. The sponsor (corporate client in the organic snack market) whose annual sponsorship is set … Read more

Define progressive discipline. Explain why you think that such a system is or is not ethically required by an employer.

All answers are to be in typewritten form and not to exceed two paragraphs unless otherwise indicated.   Define an anti-fraternization policy.   a) What employee interests are affected by a company adopting an anti-fraternization policy?   b) What employer interests are legitimately advanced by such a policy?   Define progressive discipline. Explain why you … Read more

What is the ascetic ideal and how does it implicate itself in modern scientific life?

What is the ascetic ideal and how does it implicate itself in modern scientific life?   H​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​ello this is a 2000 word philosophy essay on Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morality, specifically the Ascetic Ideal. I have attached a powerpoint that can inform the basis of the argument you construct. Here are a list of essential sources … Read more


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