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Grading Rubric for writing assignments Final Project Rubric CATEGORY EXCELLENT COMPETENT NOT

Grading Rubric for writing assignments Final Project Rubric CATEGORY EXCELLENT COMPETENT NOT YET COMPETENT POOR SCORE Content (70% of possible points) Your sentences are concise and well crafted, and the vocabulary is precise; the reader can effortlessly discern your meaning. You exceed the parameters of the assignment with original insights or a particularly engaging style. … Read more

Final Project (individual) Choose a multinational company in an industry that you

Final Project (individual) Choose a multinational company in an industry that you believe foreign operations and foreign currency risk exposure play a significant role in the companies’ core business and their financial performance. Explain the rationale of your selection. What geographic areas other than their home country does the company conduct business? What percentage of … Read more

Final Paper: Consider yourself to be a minister of health of a

Final Paper: Consider yourself to be a minister of health of a country. Choose a specific country. The final submission will be a grant proposal that you will write to present a strategy for health systems strengthening of your country. You can address your proposal to any international funding agency (GFATM, USAID, DFID, SIDA, GTZ, … Read more

Final paper: Due on August 13th via email as a Word attachment.

Final paper: Due on August 13th via email as a Word attachment. Write a five-page analysis that considers “The Dead” as a story at once about Gabriel Conroy’s growth but also as a discussion of Ireland and Irish people in the early twentieth century, still under the control of the British. What elements of Gabriel’s … Read more


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