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Film Poster Assignment For this assignment you will watch a short film

Film Poster Assignment For this assignment you will watch a short film selected by your teacher. Your task is to create a poster to advertise the film. You can use Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slide or any other app to create your poster. Film – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I75qa0kTeY4 You will be marked based on the following rubric: Criteria … Read more

Purpose This assignment requires you to consider complexities involved in defining and

Purpose This assignment requires you to consider complexities involved in defining and measuring the effectiveness of an organisation, and how different organisations will use very different measures of organisational effectiveness. Task Details For this assignment, we would like you to think about an organisation with which you have a significant interaction.  It may be your … Read more

Essay Question: ‘What are some of the key elements of advocacy and

Essay Question: ‘What are some of the key elements of advocacy and community development when working with Aboriginal community/peoples?’ Discuss. You will also be furthering your development of critical thinking skills, research techniques, writing in a culturally appropriate manner, formulating an academic argument supported by relevant literature and academic writing skills. You must provide references … Read more

PSYC 101 Essay Prompts Module/ Week 2: Essay 1 – Evolutionary Psychology

PSYC 101 Essay Prompts Module/ Week 2: Essay 1 – Evolutionary Psychology Evolutionary psychology has had a significant influence on the discipline of psychology but some take issue with its foundational assumptions. Describe your worldview. Some of the constructs from the BWVI are relevant and may help you think through your worldview. Is evolutionary psychology … Read more


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