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9 Eng. Comp II. Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Professor’s Name Date Topic:

9 Eng. Comp II. Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Professor’s Name Date Topic: Eng. Comp II. Research Question: Do doctors violate the children’s rights if they do not provide treatment according to the parent’s denial to treat the child? Working Thesis Statement: Aside from violating the child’s rights, doctors are bound by their profession’s code of … Read more

ENG 3500 Podcast Presentation Rubric Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Quality

ENG 3500 Podcast Presentation Rubric Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Quality and Depth of Content 35 points Presentation clearly answers all of the specified points with depth and detail. Provides thoughtful insight and analysis, referencing examples from the song to support its points. Presentation mostly answers the specified points with sufficient depth and detail. … Read more


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