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Question 1 Sources: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1clhQlzIvxaF3cFa7bLD7aI0I0pNLKr3n/edit#slide=id.p36 1. Offer at least five details that Sammy

Question 1 Sources: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1clhQlzIvxaF3cFa7bLD7aI0I0pNLKr3n/edit#slide=id.p36 1. Offer at least five details that Sammy notices about the girl he calls “Queenie.” What can you infer about Sammy’s own experiences with girls, based on his daydreaming about Queenie and his demeaning thoughts about her friends? Sammy lives in a small, insular town—is this a fair or objective character … Read more

Directions: In a five paragraph, informal essay of at least 500 words,

Directions:  In a five paragraph, informal essay of at least 500 words, discuss how television advertising influences and shapes how we think and who we are as Americans.  Why are we so gullible?   Remember, this is a college-level assignment on the level of a one-hour in-class writing assignment or essay test answer, so check your grammar, … Read more

The Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Success Introduction The emotional intelligence

The Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Success Introduction The emotional intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ) theory started to gain traction after Daniel Goleman published a book titled Emotional Intelligence – why it can matter more than IQ (1995). Following up his best-selling book, Goleman publishes an article in the Harvard Business Review in … Read more

Marketing can be defined as “putting the right product in the right

Marketing can be defined as “putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time.”  It is the process of relaying to customers the reasons why they should choose your company’s product or service over those offered by competitors. There are many types of marketing: print, radio, television advertising, … Read more

Arup Moves Project Management to the Cloud Arup Group Limited is a

Arup Moves Project Management to the Cloud Arup Group Limited is a multinational professional services firm headquartered in London that provides engineering, design, planning, project management, and consulting services for all aspects of structures and environments of human construction. Founded in 1946, Arup now has over 13,000 staff based in 85 offices across 35 countries … Read more

Is there a particular question that you have found yourself wondering about in relation to SOC265? Have you taken other sociology methodology courses? What approaches could you take to answer your research question? Could you collect “data” through empirical research? This is a good option for those who are considering graduate studies and are curious about conducting their own research. You must produce your own original data and analysis (not simply produce a literature review of existing studies). Will you collect and analyze images? Maybe you want to collect tweets or Instagram comments? You might want to use “an observation of a highly salient gendered moment… as a point of departure…” (Messner, 2000, p. 766). We will discuss examples together in class.

SOC265 – GENDER & SOCIETY FINAL PROJECT GUIDELINES Due: Thursday, December 9th before 11:59PM EST   Length: 2,000-2,500 words OR 15 minutes with 750-1,000-word rationale/lesson/reflection OR artistic creation with 1,000-1,250 words/7.5-10-minute analytical reflection OR alternative approved “length”.   Format: Written components are to be 12 pt. Times New Roman font and double spaced. Use an … Read more


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