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The Pros and Cons of the Telehealth Approach Telehealth is often used

The Pros and Cons of the Telehealth Approach Telehealth is often used to deliver services to populations that otherwise would not receive them. In your review of the professional literature, what conclusions can you reach regarding interventions and barriers associated with telehealth? Do you support the use of telehealth for social work services? Why or why … Read more

Meeting a Client Online Assume you are preparing to meet a client

Meeting a Client Online Assume you are preparing to meet a client in an online setting (via a format such as Skype, Gotomeeting, Zoom, et cetera). Review the “NASW, ASWB, CSWE, & CSWA Standards for Technology in Social Work Practice [PDF].” Identify three specific standards that apply, cite the standard, and then give an example … Read more

DB #8: Globalization vs. Localization (i.e., standardization vs. customization)??? Hi, all! Why

DB #8: Globalization vs. Localization  (i.e., standardization vs. customization)???   Hi, all!   Why do companies expand into foreign markets? What are the costs? What are the benefits? Is it worth it??? When expanding, there is always the battle for “globalization” (or, really “standardization,” or ‘one design for all’) versus the “localization” (or, really “customization” for each particular … Read more

2 2 2 Title of Your Curriculum Technology Proposal Student Name (First,

2 2 2 Title of Your Curriculum Technology Proposal Student Name (First, Middle Initial, and Last) Western Governors University Emerging Trends and Challenges in 21st Century Nursing Education Instructor Name Month XX, 202X Executive Summary Title of Your Curriculum Technology Proposal Literature Review Needs Assessment Need-Gap Analysis Force Field Analysis Assessment Change Theory Conclusion Rationale … Read more

Curriculum Analysis Paper Associates Degree program Principles of Pharmacology NUR 210 1.

Curriculum Analysis Paper Associates Degree program Principles of Pharmacology NUR 210 1. Obtain a copy of the foundational statements from a school of nursing. (Listed below) 2. Analyze these documents for congruency. 3. Then choose one course syllabus and lesson plan to determine if these foundational statements are reflected in these two course documents. (Listed … Read more


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