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CSIS 483 Capstone Project Phase III Instructions The capstone project assesses the

CSIS 483 Capstone Project Phase III Instructions The capstone project assesses the program outcomes through a conclusion information system (IS) component that solves a business need. Each phase of the project should include one Microsoft Word document that follows APA guidelines and one zip file containing the applicable programming code, development material, and/or system configuration. … Read more

Assignment # 1 Pertaining to Chapter 1 1. In terms of personality,

Assignment # 1 Pertaining to Chapter 1 1. In terms of personality, discuss (not just list) what values individualistic societies emphasize versus what values collectivist societies emphasize. Provide at least 4 examples of each societal style for a total of 8 examples. Your answer should be about 70-90 words in length. (16 points) 2. Discuss … Read more

CSIA 413: Cybersecurity Policy, Plans, and Programs Project #2: Manager’s Deskbook Company

CSIA 413: Cybersecurity Policy, Plans, and Programs Project #2: Manager’s Deskbook Company Background & Operating Environment Red Clay Renovations is an internationally recognized, awarding winning firm that specializes in the renovation and rehabilitation of residential buildings and dwellings. The company specializes in updating homes using “smart home” and “Internet of Things” technologies while maintaining period … Read more

CSIA 413: Cybersecurity Policy, Plans, and Programs Project #1: Employee Handbook Company

CSIA 413: Cybersecurity Policy, Plans, and Programs Project #1: Employee Handbook Company Background & Operating Environment Red Clay Renovations is an internationally recognized, awarding winning firm that specializes in the renovation and rehabilitation of residential buildings and dwellings. The company specializes in updating homes using “smart home” and “Internet of Things” technologies while maintaining period … Read more

Name: Date: Class: CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENT 1 Instructions: After reading the attached

Name: Date: Class: CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENT 1 Instructions: After reading the attached article “The Ins and Outs of DNA Transfer in Bacteria” by Inês Chen, Peter J. Christie and David Dubnau, answer the questions below: When looking at the transformation and conjugation processes, how can genome plasticity lead to evolution in bacteria? REMEMBER: Evolution involves … Read more

Please read the following and article: Cartwright, James. “What Every Designer Needs

Please read the following and article: Cartwright, James. “What Every Designer Needs to Know About Copyright Law.” AIGA Eye on Design. 2 December 2016. Online. https://eyeondesign.aiga.org/what-young-designers-need-to-know-about-copyright-law/ (Links to an external site.) Writings should consist of 50% reflection and 50% critical analysis relating to this article. The length of response should be between 2-4 pages, 12-font, double-spaced with the … Read more

CRITICAL READING FOR EVALUATION Posted on February 24, 2020 by waldenacademicskills in

CRITICAL READING FOR EVALUATION Posted on February 24, 2020 by waldenacademicskills in Reading This post is a continuation of Hillary’s previous post: Critical Reading for Analysis and Comparison. Whereas analysis involves noticing, evaluation requires the reader to make a judgment about the text’s strengths and weaknesses. Many students are not confident in their ability to assess what they are reading. It … Read more


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