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Final Portfolio Your ENC-1101 final portfolio offers an opportunity to present the body of work you?ve produced over the seme

  Final Portfolio Your ENC-1101 final portfolio offers an opportunity to present the body of work you’ve produced over the semester, representing your development as a writer, reader, and researcher. The documents you choose to include give evidence of your progress and learning: your ability to meet course goals and […] The post Final Portfolio … Read more

This is a semester-long team project focused on developing a marketing plan for an innovative, INTERNATIONAL product/service.

MARKETING PLAN (Please see Template on Blackboard) This is a semester-long team project focused on developing a marketing plan for an innovative, INTERNATIONAL product/service. Each team will come up with one innovative product/service and develop a comprehensive marketing plan, following the template provided in Course Content. Although individual team members […] The post This is … Read more

An essential role of nurse educators is assessing and evaluating their students. I do not agree that evaluation should be con

   Discussion Question Response: #1  Samantha -an essential role of nurse educators is assessing and evaluating their students. I do not agree that evaluation should be conducted at the end of a course. Evaluation should be a continual process throughout the course or program. If evaluation takes place at the […] The post An essential … Read more

Plagiarism in Professional Writing ? Please note that you will not be able to see other students’ responses to this discussi

I will post details here    Primary and Secondary Audiences Contains unread posts   You will share your understanding of primary and secondary audiences with your classmates and how this understanding impacts your business report. The purpose of this discussion topic is to allow you to reflect on your audience […] The post Plagiarism in … Read more

Module 5 Discussion: ROL Synthesis of Findings PROMPT In this DB, you will synthesize the three research articles about your topic discussed in Modules 1 & 2. A synthesis includes an analysis of the aggregate of articles, not the individual articles. e.g. clustering and interrelating ideas from the studies to form an overall representation of the conceptual definitions, descriptions, interventions, instruments, and strengths and weaknesses of the body of knowledge represented by the article

Module 5 Discussion: ROL Synthesis of Findings PROMPT In this DB, you will synthesize the three research articles about your topic discussed in Modules 1 & 2. A synthesis includes an analysis of the aggregate of articles, not the individual articles. e.g. clustering and interrelating ideas from the studies to form an overall representation of … Read more

Write your essay as if you are writing to a friend who missed class on the day this was discussed. There is no bibliography or works cited page required. You may write in first person or even write the essay as if it were a letter to your “friend” from class. ESSAY TOPIC -Being human, being alive, the capacity to feel pain, consciousness, the ability to solve complex problems, gender, race and age are just a few of the criteria that have been used or have been suggested as important for a being to have rights. What are the necessary criteria a being must possess to have rights? Given your answer, do any non-humans have rights? Evaluate your position (by explaining an opposing view and defending your view against it)

Write your essay as if you are writing to a friend who missed class on the day this was discussed. There is no bibliography or works cited page required. You may write in first person or even write the essay as if it were a letter to your “friend” from class. ESSAY TOPIC -Being human, … Read more

Contested Waters Book Review The book review format for this class is most likely unlike any that you have done before. Therefore, read the following directions carefully The review will consist of two pages, and only two pages, typed, singlespaced, size 12 Times New Roman font. The first page will list by number and answer the six points described below. The second page will consist of a concise (but thorough) summary of the b

Contested Waters Book Review The book review format for this class is most likely unlike any that you have done before. Therefore, read the following directions carefully The review will consist of two pages, and only two pages, typed, singlespaced, size 12 Times New Roman font. The first page will list by number and answer … Read more

Choose one of the following companies: Amazon, Apple, McDonald’s, Tesla, Facebook, Walmart, or Target. Research your chosen company, and then briefly summarize the history of the company from start-up until the present time. Be sure to include some informat

Choose one of the following companies: Amazon, Apple, McDonald’s, Tesla, Facebook, Walmart, or Target. Research your chosen company, and then briefly summarize the history of the company from start-up until the present time. Be sure to include some information about how much it has grown and why this growth has occurred. Then, develop and elaborate … Read more


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