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HR Investigations Description One of the most time-consuming and expensive actions undertaken by a human resource professional involves investigating and subsequently disciplining misconduct by an employee.The repercussions for making a mistake are certainly detrimental to an employee and can be catastrophic to an organization

HR Investigations Description One of the most time-consuming and expensive actions undertaken by a human resource professional involves investigating and subsequently disciplining misconduct by an employee.The repercussions for making a mistake are certainly detrimental to an employee and can be catastrophic to an organization. In that light, discuss the following: Present the two most important … Read more

The final project for this course is the creation of a benefits and compensation analysis (with revisions) and a stakeholder presentation. Professionals in the human resources field are often tasked with overseeing the benefits and compensation (Total Rewards) functions within any given organization. Human resource professionals often have to examine specific compensation and benefit elements of a total rewards system and compare them with qualitative

The final project for this course is the creation of a benefits and compensation analysis (with revisions) and a stakeholder presentation. Professionals in the human resources field are often tasked with overseeing the benefits and compensation (Total Rewards) functions within any given organization. Human resource professionals often have to examine specific compensation and benefit elements … Read more

Freedom of speech Description Write a 200+ word response to the following prompt: Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of American democracy: it promotes the free exchange of ideas, allows for a peaceful transfer of power, and is something shared by all Americans, not just wealthy elites. However, having the right to say what you want means that you will inevitably also hear things you would rather not hear. Read the following article about the Westboro Baptist Church: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/westboro-baptist-church (Links to an external site.) Should there be a way to limit their type of speech and still preserve the right to free speech guaranteed in the Constitution? What other examples can you think of where freedom of speech has had detrimental effects in the U.S.? What is the challenge in making hateful speech a crime? Summarize your thoughts by answering this question: Does the right to free speech go too far nowadays?

Freedom of speech Description Write a 200+ word response to the following prompt: Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of American democracy: it promotes the free exchange of ideas, allows for a peaceful transfer of power, and is something shared by all Americans, not just wealthy elites. However, having the right to say what you … Read more

Each student/group is responsible for submitting one single essays which reflects your best reasoning on the prompt below. Prompt: The twenty civilians selected to go and live on the Mars colony were set an unusual task. On the red planet there would be a number of goods, including accommodation, food, drink, and luxury items. They had to decide

Each student/group is responsible for submitting one single essays which reflects your best reasoning on the prompt below. Prompt: The twenty civilians selected to go and live on the Mars colony were set an unusual task. On the red planet there would be a number of goods, including accommodation, food, drink, and luxury items. They … Read more

Strategic Analysis Report-3000 WORD COUNT Instructions for assessment This assignment is focused on the selected organisation, its industry and business environment. Chosen company: the links below is mandatory to be used and applied into the report for the chosen company. VF Corporation Acquires Supreme For $2 Billion Information about the deal and news

Strategic Analysis Report-3000 WORD COUNT Instructions for assessment This assignment is focused on the selected organisation, its industry and business environment. Chosen company: the links below is mandatory to be used and applied into the report for the chosen company. VF Corporation Acquires Supreme For $2 Billion  Information about the deal and news https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/v.f.-corp-vfc-acquires-supreme-brand-enhances-portfolio-2020-12-29 https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/v-f-corp-vfc-acquires-160404695.html Corporate … Read more

Part 1: Altruism and Various Perspectives (due by midnight on Thursday) Think about a time when you or someone you knew exhibited altruism. Share the example and explain why the behavior was altruistic. Additionally, consider that your readings about altruism, selfishness, etc. from different perspectives. Which perspective seemed the most like one you might take? If none do, feel fre

WEEK SIX DISCUSSION 1 PROMPT: Part 1: Altruism and Various Perspectives (due by midnight on Thursday) Think about a time when you or someone you knew exhibited altruism. Share the example and explain why the behavior was altruistic. Additionally, consider that your readings about altruism, selfishness, etc. from different perspectives. Which perspective seemed the most … Read more

What are the relationships between the concept of the Smart City, and the financialization of the city? How are these two concepts related to processes of gentrification, condoization

Answer the following question: What are the relationships between the concept of the Smart City, and the financialization of the city? How are these two concepts related to processes of gentrification, condoization, and platform urbanism? What have been the effects, if any, on urban housing markets and housing policy? What challenges might the Smart City … Read more

Describe the merit argument. Give some issues with the merit argument, and discuss whether you think it succeeds as an argument against preferential hiring. Give philosophically adequate arguments. Give an accurate analysis of the arguments presented and to give well-constructed arguments. Lastly, give an accurate account of the theories and terms presented in the reading.

From Chapter 11, Describe the merit argument. Give some issues with the merit argument, and discuss whether you think it succeeds as an argument against preferential hiring. Give philosophically adequate arguments. Give an accurate analysis of the arguments presented and to give well-constructed arguments. Lastly, give an accurate account of the theories and terms presented … Read more


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