Critically evaluate the scope of the Energy Bars market in the UAE for Red Bull. Analyse the market with examples and data in form of graphs/charts/tables highlighting market size, CAGR, top players, investments etc. to support the analysis

Task 01- Report [70 Marks] [2500-3000 words]

 Executive Summary: You should summarize your strategic plan (no more than one page of A4 paper). This should outline the key messages and be prepared in a format that would be suitable for presentation to the senior management team for Red Bull. [5 Marks] 

1. Energy Bars Market: Critically evaluate the scope of the Energy Bars market in the UAE for Red Bull. Analyse the market with examples and data in form of graphs/charts/tables highlighting market size, CAGR, top players, investments etc. to support the analysis. [10 Marks]

2. Strategic Plan: With the use and application of relevant strategic models; critically discuss and present a feasibility and viability for the launch of the Red Bull’s Energy Bars into the UAE market in 3 distinctive section as below. [30 Marks]

a. Strategic Positioning

b. Strategic Choice

c. Strategy in Action


3. Recommendations and Conclusion: Finally, summarize and discuss all the acquired findings and analysis and provide a conclusion. Communicate the recommendations for Red Bull to launch their Energy Bar in the UAE. [15 Marks]


4. References and Appendices: Adhere to Harvard Referencing Style only. Make use of the additional resources provided and cite credible academic sources. Alternatively provide citations from credible commercial sources like PWC, Deloitte, KPMG, CB Insights, and/or Annual Reports to support your work. Use the section of appendices wisely to provide your analysis when using and applying the PESTLE, SWOT, Porter’s Framework, BCG Matrix, Ansoff Growth Matrix, etc. Captions should be provided for all insertions- tables/charts/diagrams/pictures/graphs etc. You can also provide screenshots of the PowerPoint Presentation if needed. [10 marks]

Task 02- PPT [30 Marks] [Max of 15 to 17 slides]

 Present your strategic plan as part of a Group Presentation. This would be conducted during the final phases of the course on a mutually agreed time slot (between the learner and the faculty). The time allotted for the presentation is 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation followed by 5 minutes Q&A) and would be evaluated based on content, presentation skills and interaction. Before final submission, provide evidence of the presentation by pasting the screenshot of the presentation.

Students could make any assumptions with reasonable justifications for the above tasks.

 The Report (Task 1) and the Group Presentation (in PPT format for task 2) should be submitted on the LMS on or before the specified submission deadline.

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The post Critically evaluate the scope of the Energy Bars market in the UAE for Red Bull. Analyse the market with examples and data in form of graphs/charts/tables highlighting market size, CAGR, top players, investments etc. to support the analysis appeared first on study tools.


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