Assignment ID: FG133085251 , Length: word count:5000
Business Project – BPP University
Programme – MSc Management with Project Management
Section of the report
Executive summary
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. Challenges / problems the client is facing
Section 3. Purpose of the report
Section 4. Impact of research on stakeholders
Section 5. Evaluation and analysis of secondary data
Section 6. Recommendations and conclusion
Assessment Brief
This business project assessment will require a 5000-word consultancy report on your chosen company. Your chosen company is your client who has asked you to provide the consultancy report.
The report should cover the following key areas:
1. Introduction
2. Challenges / problems the client is facing: Identified issues with how this is connected to the current affairs. Plus, an examination of the problem from the consultant’s perspectives
3. Purpose of the report
4. Stakeholder analysis – need to analyse how current issues are impacting on stakeholders.
5. Evaluation and analysis with secondary data
6. Recommendations / solutions to the problem.
You are required to show your understanding of the importance of strategy in business. You will also need to discuss how your project would impact stakeholders and provide relevant recommendations or solutions which could be of value to your chosen organisation.
Business Consultancy Report Structure
The following structure reflects a common way of organising final business reports. You are advised to follow this structure, but you can adapt it to reflect the exact nature and details of your project in liaison with in-class supervisors.
• BPP Declaration Page
• Title page
• Table of contents
• List of figures/tables/abbreviations – if required
• Executive summary
• Introduction
• Challenges / problems the client is facing: Identified issues with how this is connected to the current affairs. Plus, an examination of the problem from the consultant’s perspectives
• Purpose of the report
• Stakeholder analysis – need to analyse how current issues are impacting on stakeholders.
• Evaluation and analysis with secondary data
• Recommendations / solutions to the problem.
• Harvard references
• Appendices (if required)
The whole report should be 5,000 words. The front cover, table of contents, bibliography, and appendices are not included in this limit.
Executive Summary
You are expected to write one page (approximately 500 words) of an executive summary. The executive summary is not to introduce your report but should be a summary of the whole report. You will therefore need to write this after you complete your report.
It should include what your identified issues were, and what your purpose of the report was. You are required to discuss how your report would impact on main stakeholders. You should also summarise your critical evaluation results.
Your executive summary should be concluded by any recommendations, making up the final part of your executive summary.
Your readers should be able to understand the focus of your project just by reading the executive summary.
You could write this section with three different areas. The first area can be used to explain the context of your consultancy report.
The second part could be used to briefly discuss the current issues in your selected company. This
area will be the summary of next section but you need to set the scene here.
The final part of this section will need to include how the report will be structured, and what your readers can expect to take from your report.
Challenge / problems the client is facing
You could discuss existing or potential future issues caused by current affairs.
If you decide to discuss current / existing issue(s), you would need to evaluate why your chosen company [client company] has been facing these issues and connect these issues to current affairs.
If you would like to discuss possible future issues which might occur because of the current affairs, you would need to discuss, as consultant’ perspective, why your client company might face challenges in future because of current affairs.
Purpose of the report
You would need to state the purpose of the report. You could explain why you are evaluating specific issues and how this would benefit your client company. Your purpose of the report should be justified by the identified issues established in the section 2. Your purpose of the report will form the question you later evaluate and suggest recommendations for.
Impact of Research on Stakeholders
In this section, you will firstly need to identify who your internal and external stakeholders are in relation to your report. You will also need to discuss how your project is connected to different groups of internal and external stakeholders, and finally evaluate how your project would impact these stakeholders.
Evaluation and analysis with secondary data for your purpose of the report
This section is to show your critical evaluation skills.
You would need to collect secondary data and analyse the data to answer your purpose of the report. You could include tables or charts using existing data you have collected if you wish to. You should ensure that sources of data are referenced correctly.
For the critical evaluation, you may be able to use theoretical frameworks or evaluate data you collected without specific frameworks. However, you need to remember that you would need to compare and contrast different data and discuss how different data shows different perspective for your purpose of the report.
Recommendations and Conclusions
Your recommendations should be justified by the results of your analysis and critical evaluation, and you must also ensure that these recommendations are connected to your purpose of the report. It may be helpful for your readers if you remind them in this section what your purpose of the report was, and how this has been answered by your recommendations.
For the conclusion, you will need to address the key issues you have evaluated and how you have answered the purpose of your report. You should use evidence from the previous sections to support your conclusion.
You should use the Harvard referencing system throughout the report and make sure there are no errors in spelling or grammar. You will need to use academic writing and your language should be clear and precise.
Your report must use a consistent approach to headings, tables and graphs. Pages should be clearly numbered, and this should correspond to the page numbers provided in the table of contents.
You will need to show a broad range of reading including academic journal articles.
Attachment:- Assessment Brief – Business Project.rar
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