1. Based on your review of (i) Fort Lauderdale EAR Report and the recent amendments to their
Comprehensive Plan, (ii) OneNYC, (iii) Greenville 2026, and (iv) all class discussions, prepare an
Urban Planning Summary and Checklist to be used when preparing and/or amending a Comprehensive
Plan. [15 points]
2. Based on your review of (i) APA Policy Guide for Sustainability, (ii) APA Policy Guide for Smart
Growth, (iii) APA Policy Guide for Climate Change and (iv) all class discussions, prepare an Urban
Planning Summary and Checklist to be used when planning an in-fill urban development, especially for
a transit-oriented development (TOD). [15 points]
3. Transportation alone is responsible for nearly one-third of the U.S. greenhouse gas production. Explain
how better transportation decisions can result in better land use, environmental, economic and social
justice decisions and, thus, result in a better community. [15 points]
4. The Big-Mac Analysis is a basic way to introduce new urban planning students to the interrelationship
of various components of urban planning. Explain it in more advanced terms. [15 points].
5. Based on your review of (i) This is Smart Growth published by the Smart Growth Network, (ii)
Suburban Remix, Chapter 14, (iii) Retrofitting Suburbia, Chapters 8, 9 and 10, (iv) Tysons Corner
Transformation, (v) Case Studies in Retrofitting Suburbia, Parts I.1 thru I.6, (vi) all class discussions
and (vii) your answers to questions 1 thru 4 above, re-plan, re-design and re-develop the Planning
Study Area which includes Palmetto Park Road to the south, Yamato Road to the north, Federal
Highway (US-1) to the east and State Road 7 (441) to the west, in a narrative format with related
sketches that illustrate your proposal under the following assumptions: (A) ten year planning horizon,
(B) 10,000 new residents, (C) 3,500 new housing units required, including 15% workforce housing,
10% senior housing and 10% affordable housing, (D) 2,500 new jobs required, (E) traffic cannot get
worst, and (F) the quality of life for the existing residents of Boca Raton cannot get worst
notwithstanding this increase in population. [40 points]