This activity will allow you to practice identifying multicultural issues with worldviews and communication by comparing and contrasting two folktales. For suggestions on where to find folktales, visit your public library or World of Tales, which provides a collection of public domain stories from all over the world.

Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 3 Points: 100Overview:

This activity will allow you to practice identifying multicultural issues with worldviews and communication by comparing and contrasting two folktales. For suggestions on where to find folktales, visit your public library or World of Tales, which provides a collection of public domain stories from all over the world.


  • Select two folktales from two different non-Western countries (Asia, Africa, and South America).
  • Compare and constant both folktales through the lens and worldview of the folktales chosen.

o Include indirect and direct communication, o Ethnic and racial patterns of communication, o Patterns of communication with respect to age. o Gender communication.

  • How have changes in technology impacted multicultural issues and worldviews? Requirements:
  • Submit a Word document in APA format.
  • Three pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.
  • At least two resources.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.


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