I need the following discussion assignments in 120 words each. Please provide references to each individual question in each ans – Essayde Paper Writing Website

I need the following discussion assignments in 120 words each. Please provide references to each individual question in each answer provided. 



What are the main attributes of communication campaigns? Provide at least one example of a current communication campaign and explain what qualities of the campaign makes it effective or not.


How do communication campaigns influence society? Find two informative communication campaigns, one from the 20th century and one from the 21st century, and describe the similarities and differences between how the two approach informing the public..



Find two examples of communication campaigns that relate to the same issue you chose for your project in Topic 1. Compare and contrast between the two communication campaigns. Summarize how what you have learned by doing this comparison may inform the development of your communication campaign throughout the course..


Why do you think Smokey the Bear has been such a successful campaign? What factors help contribute to this campaign’s success?.



How does research contribute to a campaigns success or failure? Why is research important to communication campaigns?.


How can you manage a communication campaign successfully? Would you use the same strategies for every campaign (informative and persuasive)? Why?



The Meth Project is an award winning campaign. Who is the audience for this campaign? Why this audience?.


You have been hired to work on campaign to increase sunblock usage by 14-21 year old women. What active and passive methods would you use? Why would these methods work?.



What is the role of persuasion in communication campaigns? How does persuasion influence campaign conceptualization? Describe how visual argumentation is used within communication campaigns to persuade.


Select three different communication campaigns (historical or contemporary). What persuasive techniques are used in these campaigns? Why do you were these techniques selected for the audience?.



What does it mean that communication campaigns are symbolic in nature? Is this only true in contemporary campaigns or has symbolism always been an important part of communication campaigns?


How does symbolism influence audience decision-making? How aware is the audience of this influence? Identify a campaign that has used symbolism to influence audience decision making..



What are the benefits of paid verses free communication channels? Does it matter who your audience is when deciding on paid verses free communication channels? How does an organization decide which channel is right for its message?


You need to spread a message about the harmful effects of sun exposure to high school and college athletes who play outdoor sports. What types of media, including New Media, would you use to communicate to a mass audience? Why would these media work?.



Discuss why is it important to evaluate a campaign along the way rather than just at the end.


Reflecting on the past 8 weeks, provide a brief summary of your experience and/or enlightened perspective of campaigns..

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