Review the module resources and the readings. Find a support journal or article (within 10 years, peer-reviewed) about the topic – Essayde Paper Writing Website

Discussion 4


Review the module resources and the readings. Find a support journal or article (within 10 years, peer-reviewed) about the topic. Then explain why is creativity and creativity development important in education? What are the implications of creativity and creativity development for the teaching, learning, and personal growth and development of your students? How can you develop creativity in students through deliberate practices? Be specific and explain two (2) examples of the following:

  1. Describe the tool for creative thinking you will use
  2. Show how you will integrate them into your setting
  3. Discuss their benefits to creativity development in your students
  4. Explain how you will determine if your students are successful

Add specific support from the research including your source. Include in-text citations and references at the end of the post.


  1. Write a minimum of 200 words for the original discussion post.
  2. Read and answer all questions in the discussion prompt directly and accurately.
  3. Visit all the links and any additional resources provided in the discussion prompt.
  4. Use the readings, research, and other literature as a resource and cite them in responses.
  5. Add links or attachments to your posts when requested (e.g., link to a lesson plan, video).
  6. Discussion posts should state perspectives and include support from the research.
  7. Reply to at least one post from a classmate.
  8. Write a minimum of 100 words for the replies to classmates.
  9. Replies to classmates should go beyond statements of agreement or disagreement and may include support. Use the TAG method in your responses if necessary: Tell something done well. Ask a question of clarification. Give a suggestion.
  10. Make sure there are no major and distracting errors in composition, grammar, and spelling in posts and replies.


Cite sources when outside information is used. Be careful not to plagiarize. Do not copy and paste from the readings. Instead, paraphrase or summarize and use in-text citations and references at the end. Review the “Avoiding Plagiarism” announcement and use the following resources to help: 

  • In-text Citations (Links to an external site.)
  • References (Links to an external site.)
  • Incorporating research in your writing (Links to an external site.)


Completed two discussion posts: (1) original post/response (2) reply to one posting from a classmate

  1. Answered all questions in the prompt directly, completely, accurately, and with specificity in at least 200 words
  2. Presented evidence of original thinking in the post (no copy and paste from the literature or research)
  3. Included properly cited support for the position and/or interpretations from the literature and research for the original post
  4. Provided  a clear and accurate reply to one classmate that goes beyond agreement or disagreement in at least 100 words
  5. Ensured the posts are free from major and distracting errors in composition, grammar, and spelling

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