• The instructions are for the entire group below”>


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• The instructions are for the entire group below is my topic and amount of pages due from my behalf
• You will write the paper on Four companies
• Amazon/Walmart/apple/ microsoft
• Please compare and contrast all four
• My topics of discussion are Benefits and incentives for all 4
• Paper should be 4 pages written
• Please do 1-2 pages on power point highlighting the important factors of all 4 within my topic
• Paper should be a total of 6 pages 4 written with research and 2 power point
Group Project
Group Project 30%

Term Paper – Due April 6
Understanding of the topic areas identified
Identifying issues associated with the topics as they relate to the companies selected
Doing a critical evaluation of how each company deals with the issues
Coming up with solutions and suggestions for each company to improve
Comparing and contrasting how all the companies approach the issues and what your findings are.
Writing a conclusion that describes your opinions on each topic based on what you have discovered from the companies.

Term Paper Requirements
You will address all the issues identified above. This will require you to research as much as you can through the company’s own website, articles written on your company, our textbook, knowledge, and scholarly articles about your company and the topic areas.
When discussing these concepts, be specific and use examples that detail how your analysis of the organization fits with the theories that were covered in this class. The focus of this paper should be on the organizational behavior of the company and should incorporate what you’ve learned in this course.
The paper should reveal additional information beyond that covered in the eText. Your analysis, summary, and conclusions will increase the value of your paper. The term paper should be at least 15 pages as a team and include 8-10 scholarly references in addition to your eText for a minimum of 10 references. Quality of writing and research matters, that is where you should focus you attention. Note that the page limit does not include title, abstract, or reference pages. Not following this requirement will significantly impact the grade.
Use scholarly peer-reviewed references rather than websites. Scholarly references are generally more credible and make a more persuasive argument. Non-academic websites are not typically recommended for academic writing but if you need to use other sources you can. Some of the information you will be looking for may not be available in scholarly articles because this is an application paper.
Use proper in-text references to your sources when quoting directly or indirectly, and an end of paper reference list. Papers must be word-processed and conform to the high standards established in Berkeley College. APA format must be used. Any posting that does not meet the above requirements will have points deducted. Plagiarism is not allowed and will be the basis for failure.
The Term Paper should be well organized and encompass the above subject and content guidelines, and an electronic copy of the project should be submitted via Turnitin.

Presentation Requirements – Due April 6
During class on Week 14 each group will present their findings of their research. The presentation should include a PowerPoint presentation that reflects important information about each company, the findings relating to HR and Organizational Principles for each company and then an analysis of the findings where you compare and contrast what you have found. There should also be an informative conclusion and recommendations for each company. Each member of the group should speak for equal amounts of time. You do not have to submit your PowerPoint slides.
The presentation will be worth 10% of your grade


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