CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS…. Using relevant legal authority and commentary, critically discuss the considerations of the court, when exercising their equitable discretion to grant interlocutory/ interim injunctions, and how (if at all) these considerations are affected by the Human Rights Act 1998. Advise Mr Smithon any equitable remedies that may be available to Rev Ltd.

CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS… ____________________________________ CHOICE 1 ‘…[W]here interlocutory injunctions are sought to restrain publication before trial in cases involving a breach of confidence, privacy or libel, the court must look at the strength of the case and not apply American Cyanamid.’ Jamie Glister and James Lee, Hanbury and Martin: Modern Equity (20thedn, … Continue reading “CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS…. Using relevant legal authority and commentary, critically discuss the considerations of the court, when exercising their equitable discretion to grant interlocutory/ interim injunctions, and how (if at all) these considerations are affected by the Human Rights Act 1998. Advise Mr Smithon any equitable remedies that may be available to Rev Ltd.”


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