Explain why thinking about food cultures helps us understand and value diversity.

This is the first assignment For your assignment this week, you will write a 2-3 page (double-spaced) reflection paper supported with evidence from your own background and experience. Follow the below pre-writing steps before writing your essay. You DO NOT need to cite any sources for this assignment. Consider the definition of culture you developed in Lesson 1. Make a list of the different aspects of your culture as they manifest in the way you live your life. Remember, ″culture″ does not just refer to ethnicity or national origin, but includes all of the many ways we live and belong in groups. Think about elements such as the examples listed below: Religion Food Language Customs and traditions Profession Family life Music Art Fashion Values and beliefs Hobbies The neighborhood you live in The communities you belong to Choose the three aspects of your culture that are most important to you. These will serve as the basis of your essay. Write a 2-3 page (double-spaced) reflection paper about your personal culture. Structure your paper using the below guideline: INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph): Include your general definition of culture (based on the videos provided in Lesson 1–DO NOT look up additional sources) and a thesis statement where you define your personal culture specifically and list the three elements you will discuss in your paper. BODY (3 paragraphs): Write one paragraph for each of your three elements of culture. At the end of each paragraph, explain how that element helps define your personal culture. CONCLUSION (1 paragraph): Restate your thesis. Explain why thinking about your personal culture will be helpful in developing the skills of cross-cultural competency. This is the second: For your assignment this week, you will write a 2-3 page (double-spaced) paper supported with evidence from your own experience and from 2-3 online articles. Follow the below pre-writing steps before writing your essay. You need to cite 2-3 sources in APA format for this assignment. A food culture is the practices and beliefs surrounding the consumption of food in a particular community. A food culture can be associated with a nationality, a religion, a health movement, or another kind of group. Choose a food culture that you think has become important in broader American culture. See the list of examples below, and feel free to choose something else not listed here. Indian (or another nationality) food British (or another nationality) tea (or another beverage) Vegetarian or vegan food Organic food Kosher food Cajun food Soul food Street food in New York (or another city) Eat something from that food culture, so you can experience it firsthand and take notes describing it. Take pictures! Find 2-3 online articles about the history and impact of the food culture in the US. Write a 2-3 page (double-spaced) research paper about the food culture. Structure your paper using the below guideline: INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph): Include a thesis statement where you define your food culture and explain what makes it important to American culture. Include a picture of the food you ate! BODY (3 paragraphs): Write one paragraph describing the food culture (the actual food products as well as the beliefs and practices surrounding their consumption); one paragraph explaining the history of the food culture; and one paragraph explaining its impact on broader American culture. CONCLUSION (1 paragraph): Restate your thesis. Explain why thinking about food cultures helps us understand and value diversity.


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