Find a popular literature article on the topic of health or nutrition with which you disagree. Write a rebuttal article. The article you choose should be have written in a magazine, newspaper, ets. And be no more than 2 years old. When representing your points of disagreement please support your counter argument with information from a minimum of 3 outised sources including at least 2 pieces of peer reviewed literature.

Find a popular literature article on the topic of health or nutrition with which you disagree. Write a rebuttal article. The article you choose should be have written in a magazine, newspaper, ets. And be no more than 2 years old. When representing your points of disagreement please support your counter argument with information from … Continue reading “Find a popular literature article on the topic of health or nutrition with which you disagree. Write a rebuttal article. The article you choose should be have written in a magazine, newspaper, ets. And be no more than 2 years old. When representing your points of disagreement please support your counter argument with information from a minimum of 3 outised sources including at least 2 pieces of peer reviewed literature.”


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