Paper is to consider functions, issues, and obje – Essayde Paper Writing Website

Paper is to consider functions, issues, and objectives in corrections. Your paper needs to address each of the following six elements:

  • Explain functions (in terms of goals and activities) of a historical state correctional system and functions of a contemporary state correctional system.
    • To assist you with this part, you could consider your textbook’s discussion of historical correctional systems. You may also consider state department of corrections websites and/or other relevant scholarly or credible resources.
  • Analyze criminal justice issues for corrections personnel and the constitutional rights of offenders relevant to punishment, rehabilitation, treatment, and supervision.
    • To assist you with this part, you could consider issues relating to administrative objectives and duties for corrections personnel and issues relating to constitutional rights of incarcerated persons.
  • Examine impacts of incarceration and social justice issues for at least one correctional institution in the case file and at least one private correctional institution.
    • For private institutions, you could draw on your textbook and/or other scholarly or credible sources that address privatization of corrections.
  • Examine cultural sensitivity and diversity awareness issues relevant to one or more of the following settings: jails, prisons, or community corrections.
    • You may wish to consider scholarly or credible sources that you used to address any cultural sensitivity issues and diversity issues from your Week 1 Issues and Constitutional Rights assignment.
  • Analyze at least two methods of alternative sentencing utilized by one or more of the correctional systems in the case file.
    • You could also consider alternative sanctions such as electronic monitoring, halfway houses, and/or other types of community corrections mentioned in your textbook.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of at least one correctional institution in the case file and of at least one private institution.
    • To help you with this part, you may wish to consider effectiveness regarding one or more of the following: security, costs, recidivism, social justice interests, and/or other measures relevant to correctional goals.

When consulting resources, examine statistical data and analyses to inform your positions and any other scholarly or practical references that lend credibility to the project and the findings presented.

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